January 30, 2013

jambox is awesome

I have a new friend. We spend hours together each day and she brings me nothing but pure joy. And what's best, I can carry her anywhere.

"She" is my Jambox. Our neighbors let us borrow theirs one afternoon for a test run and it was about an hour later that we decided we needed to put on our shoes and get one for ourselves. We've had it for about 3 months now and couldn't be happier.
This little honey has bluetooth capabilities which means that she somehow talks to my iPhone and they make sweet music together. I carry her with me to the basement and listen to Pandora while I fold laundry. Then I have her next to me while I listen to podcasts and cook dinner.

The sound it makes is just as good as any big huge stereo and girlfriend can get LOUD when you are ready to jam it out. Which, I try to do most afternoons around 3:30. The English have afternoon tea, I have an afternoon jam. The girls and I turn up the GoGo's and as Yo Gabba Gabba would say, we "get the sillies out".

But I digress.

They even sell a little chain so you can wear it around your neck Flavor Flav style, if that's your bag. You can custom design yours in any color you like and it is so small and unobtrusive it blends right into the room without screaming "look at my sweet hifi system"!

The point is, if you enjoy music half as much as I do, at a volume half as loud as I do, you for sure need yourself a Jambox.

Have you been surprised by a piece of technology lately? Do you ever worry that you've got the music too loud and you'll permanently deafen your children? Nope, not me either.


  1. So neat! I have never heard of this... I would live to get one!

  2. I remember you telling me about this once. I never forgot, and now maybe it's time to step up and buy one.

  3. My husband got one for Christmas and it follows us everywhere! Love it!

  4. We love our big jambox, too! We got ours because it removed the clutter caused by our previous speaker solution and all of the cords. Love, love, love that it makes spotify portable in our house.

  5. I got the white JBL which the Best Buy guy said was the loudest. It's not nearly as cool looking as the jambox, but it was half the price. So far I've only tested the sound with The White Stripes and it was crazy to get such sound from such a tiny speaker. I love listening to Fresh Air segments on it.

  6. We have one of these too. My husband gave it to me for my birthday and at first I was like - is this a joke????? did you get this for free from work or something???--- but have since realized how totally awesome it is!!! Love that I can tuck it into whatever room we're in and you'd never know it was there.

  7. My husband finally got me one for Christmas. It was my only gift, and it was the only one I wanted (was on my wish list for years). I LOVE it. I, too, carry it to the laundry room, and dance around the kitchen while cooking and baking. I wonder what the neighbors think as they walk by... I'm sure I look crazy, but who cares? No day is complete without a dance party. Even (or especially?) when that dance party is a party of one.

  8. Agreed! My husband got one for Christmas and we love it!

  9. shut up. that would be hilarious to wear around your neck. this might be reason enough to make this purchase. love technology these days....!

  10. I think I need one of these. My husband and I occasionally relive our youth and listen to 80s punk and our teenagers tell us to turn it down,LOL!

  11. We've been looking for something wireless for the shop. This might fit the bill exactly. Stereos have come a long way, Baby. (Can't believe I'm quoting an old cigarette ad.)


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