March 4, 2013

color me spring

March is here and soon it will (finally) be spring. Thank god. There is no season that does more for my mental well being than spring. And since I try my best not to dance in the streets anymore, I celebrate this much needed change in little ways. Like on my hands.

My hands are in terrible shape right now. Thanks to another weekend spent working on the One Room Challenge the insides are an umpa lumpa orange from removing stain and my fingers are covered in paint...again. Not to mention their general dryness.

But as soon as my projects are complete, the first place I'm going is to get myself a mani/pedi. There is no better reward. Now to decide which spring colors to choose.

all colors by Essie
How do you celebrate the (almost) arrival of spring? Did this winter last as long for you? Have you seen my flip flops? I can't find them anywhere.


  1. Every winter lasts too long for me. This was was colder than normal, so I can't even get in a good spray paint..and March has started. My nails are as bad as yours sound. I ordered 7 (I think) hydrangeas from a mail-order site. Yes, that is what winter does to me. So when they arrive, I will celebrate spring.

  2. I'm still too cold to imagine that spring is close (it's like 30 degrees here today), but all I need to see is new catalogs come to my door to decide that the warmer weather is coming.

  3. love Essie colors - my GO TO brand! - and my first thing i do is change my bag! - i can't wait to change into my 'new' spring bag

  4. I am so ready for spring- it can't come soon enough! I like to buy a few spingy clothes, change to my spring handbag and start pulling out my pastel polish! I'm very overdue for a pedi!

  5. Love those colors...and desperately need a pedi before finding my flip flops! It has been near 70' here so I am experiencing Spring Fever in a big way. For my home I usually swap some pillows out and this year am going to change out my living/dining room drapes...

  6. We've decided that winter is just not for us anymore-our house is for sale, and we are off to San Diego ASAP. Living in OR our winter lasts from Sept-June. We've done it for three years..but no more.

    Spring/summer cannot get here fast enough for me, either! Garden time!
    Tank tops and white shorts and hot pink polish thankyouverymuch.
    Those simple things just make me happy :)

  7. My hands/nails are always a train wreck. It's an occupational hazard. Love the pastels!

  8. My stance: if I can see my breath, it's too cold. I don't care what the temperature actually is, it's too cold. I live in Louisiana now and everyone says I shouldn't mind the cold because I grew up in Philly. Nope, too cold! I, too, can't wait until spring!

  9. I'm with you Elizabeth. I get giddy when I see buds on the trees. I love spring and can't wait for everything to burst forth in our yard. Won't be long now...


  10. I am soooooo ready for Spring. I am actually wearing a sweater and a fleece because I got a chill that I just can't shake. It is going to snow on Wednesday. Lying groundhog!
    I love shellac manicures. I could not keep a normal one unchipped for more than a few hours. The shellac mani lasts 2 weeks and any paint I get on it comes right off.

  11. I love pretty color for toes, but can't put polish on fingernails. It's too time consuming for the amount of time it lasts! I'm ready for some happy color, too!

  12. Those colors are perfect for warm weather .Stunning post.

    xo Meg<3

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  13. Hahahaha! "Have you seen my flip flops?"

    The colors are lovely and I love that brand of nail polish. I've been wanting to do something with my nails, too.

  14. We are supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow today. Grrr! Can't wait for spring!!!

  15. We had a crazy beautiful day today - the first this year and temps were around 60 degrees and it was SUNNY. I got my sunglasses out, the window was down on my drive home... ok, perhaps a bit crazy but man, I am DESPERATE for Spring already. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain. So ya know, gotta enjoy the simple pleasures. As for my nails, it's the one extravagance I allow myself - DIY is HARSH, y'all and pretty nails make me feel better. Go get em done. I choose that lovely orangey coral :) xxx

  16. oohh. thanks for the reminder. a little way to get into Spring. thanks for the inspiration. have a great week!


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