March 8, 2013

serve it up on a tray

It is no secret that trays are a must in home design. Not only do they help to organize and keep clutter under control, but they look damn good doing it.

I'm in a tray mood these days and think I need to find myself a new one.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 /

Seen any great trays lately? Can you think of anything better than a lovely tray with a delicious cocktail on top? That's my idea of a good weekend.


  1. I love a good tray! # 9 caught my eye since I have a thing for polka dots!

  2. I love trays. They are kinda an addiction.

  3. I am so with you on this one. So many drool worthy trays here.

  4. Nell Hills has some trays that are good looking...and inexpensive! Drive on up, we'll grab some lunch and go get one!!

  5. I just used #1 for a client and I love 6 and 7! Good round-up! Have a good weekend and the only thing better Han that tray with a cocktail is a marathon of RH!

  6. I love trays! I'm really liking'd be a great way to bring in the color of the year without a lot of commitment.

  7. Everthing looks better on a tray (including a cocktail)! It seems to go from a random pile of stuff to a beautiful grouping of decor...amazing!

  8. I love trays! Don't have them all out all the time! I find new places and functions all the time. Would love #2 in black and white.

  9. trays look there best while holding a cocktail--couldn't agree more! loving tray #1!

  10. i really love using trays to organize and decorate. here, 5 & 8 are my fave - so pretty and preactical!

  11. I love the green tray but not the green tray's price. I agree though, nothing sounds better than a nice tray with a delicious cocktail. Especially this weekend

  12. #2's my favorite! I need it in navy. You can't have too many trays!

  13. Totally addicted to trays. Zara home always has good'ns that I've got my eye on! Loving your roundup :) xxx


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