July 9, 2013

as the mantel turns

Like sands through the hourglass, so is the mantel in my living room. The sucker is a revolving door of indecision. As my dear friend Linda says, I'm mantelly challenged. In fact, I've even got a board on Pinterest just for mantels - it is an obsession.

The bug hit again not too long ago and I changed it up after seeing what Bryn did with a client's mantel. I've got a collection of milk glass, why not put it to use.

This is probably the happiest I've been with the mantel in a while. Says the girl that will probably change the whole thing around next month.

I cannot begin to even count how many times I've changed this mantel around. This is the fourth mirror in 6 1/2 years, if that tells you anything. Psycho much?

I even found a few pictures of the evolution.

Thanks CNN Living for sharing my most recent mantel this week. Check it out here.

Is there a spot in your house that you change even more frequently than others? Do you have a mantel that you feel is never quite right? Want to place bets on how long before I change it all around again?


  1. It all looks great Elizabeth! How I wish my fireplace looks good enough for me to display such things, but for now, no matter what i do, it wont look nearly as good as yours. :-)

  2. i love it with all the milk glass! each incarnation has been lovely!

  3. The mantel is the focal point of the room so I totally understand your focussing on it! I love all of your mantel phases! I'm going to have to check out your Pinterest board. I have one, too, but mine is called fireplaces. I love to see mantel styling!

  4. Those pink candlesticks are the best! Love the newest switcharoo

  5. Love the pics esp the jelly bean mantel and all of the diff mirrors! I miss the mantel from my old house!

  6. As you know the BLH changes almost daily!!! Love your mantel "Story".
    Looks like the frame of the mirror changes color as often as mine! So funny..and I thoroughly understand your thinking!!! It's just like mine. I moved stuff today...I now can have those that are interested check out my changes by looking at the pictures on the right of my Blog Home Page. I figured out how I can update them when ever I want!
    Continue the Saga....Love it!

  7. I love it with the milk glass! I think this one is a keeper!

  8. I rearrange my small kitchen so much.My son calls it teacup tetris. And I always start it when I already have too much to do and have procrastinated way too much. See? You're not the only psycho!

  9. I love this fresh look! Milk Glass is one of my favorites and the pop of pink candles is perfect!

  10. I like the milk glass. I have the worst mantel! Its only about 4 inches deep and there is a huge niche above it, presumably for a TV, yuck. On it, I have a large painting covering the niche (a nice job perk) and my milk glass with moss covered balls of different sizes in them.

  11. I'm jealous..my fireplace is in a corner, brick from floor to ceiling including the "mantel"...in 7 1/2 years I've never decorated it! Come see me, I need help!,

  12. that fireplace display is my favorite too--looks fantastic!

  13. What a beautiful fireplace and your mantel-scape is perfect! Amazing that it has never been painted too. Just gorgeous! I love those red candles too.


  14. What leaf is that on the wreath - it works beautifully with the wood and green frame color. I love your writing as always - such a witty thing, you are.

  15. Love it! I give it 2 weeks! Congrats on all the CNN Living exposure!!!

  16. Bwhahahahaha, you (I) crack you (me) up! Thank's girly. I have got almost nothing on my mantle. Come do it for me. I love all of your versions.

  17. Congrats on CNN Living...that's so fun!! Love anything milk glass and your mantle looks fabulous!!

  18. I'm living under a rock over here, I don't think I've seen your mantle before. It's gorgeous and I love the simple collection. Sometimes I change mine just because I need a blog post! :)

  19. Dang, and I just sold my milk glass collection. The styling looks great!

  20. Oh, and I've changed my huntboard styling over a half a dozen times in a year. Can't let it go.

  21. Oh my gosh! Love the styling Elizabeth and congrats, what an amazing opportunity!

  22. Oh yes! this is my favorite look too- so so pretty!

  23. I think this is my fave too!!! I love it!!

  24. dude. mantles are HARD. love this latest look...especially the funky pink candles with the more overall traditional look. it's perfect!

  25. Ha ha! Mantelly challenged! I also have a non functioning fireplace and although stunning, it creates a lot of design dilemmas.

  26. Love the milk glass collection on your mantel...also loved your blue & white version too!! Take care, Caroline

  27. Oh my gosh, your MANTEL! Is it ever gorgeous. Love that wood and white, Girl.

    I know what you mean about those danged mantels. I finally gave up and cleared it all off. Now I just have the round mirror and that's all I need to make me happy. :)

  28. I love the milk glass collection with that shot of pink! I have a mantle in my dining room that's undergone a myriad of changes - definitely a challenging spot. I've gone all symmetrical but I feel like it's cheating... but I really can't be arsed changing it again so it's staying for now ;) x


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