June 6, 2012

guest post at simple dwellings

I'm having some fun over at Simply Dwellings today - playing the 'If my blog was a room' game. Head on over and check it out!


  1. Thank you so much for being a part of the series! I loved having you over! Have a great day and enjoy some of those cocktails. :)

  2. I'm headed over now, I can't wait to read all about it!

  3. I loved your guest post! I'm so the same way- I want a gigantic house that looks all stately from the outside, but that then feels all cozy and homey and trendy on the inside. Probably a tough mix!

  4. Such fun, amazing pictures! Probably reflective of your personality :) New follower.

  5. I was just checking out your blog, it is awesome! I wish I could have went to that flea market. New follower!

  6. I loved your post! And that's so funny about the exterior and interior size -- I'm right there with you!


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