June 27, 2012

need vs want; summer edition

This week my oldest has camp, so my 1-year-old and I have been enjoying some alone time together. And since she isn't old enough to say she otherwise, I've decided dragging her to store after store was the way to go. She is one fab shopper and just a general 'go with the flow' awesome baby, so she appeases me. As long as we stop to pet the occasional ceramic dog, we are good.

It has been a while since I've checked in at my favorite antique mall (don't let the word 'mall' fool you, its good loot) so of course it was on my list of places to visit. And as always, there were a million and one things I wanted.

There are four of these chairs although he would let you buy them individually. Die.

One saucy ice bucket. This would turn my cocktail hour into something a bit more respectable.

Sorry, this seat is saved...for someone with a clean house. Considering most surfaces in my house have sticky finger prints and dog hair on them, I don't think the dealer would allow these to go home with me.

Hello luva!

It was obviously a chinoiserie kinda day at the mall.

And lucite.

And this one is neither chinoiserie nor lucite, but made me smile.

It is the Mary Katherine Gallagher of owls.Another great day at the ol' mall. And the cherry on top was the old lady who went on and on about all the things should would buy if she didn't have "so much junk in my trunk." Don't we all lady. 

Do you have a favorite spot you like to go to for inspiration? A place to waste time? A place to laugh at other people while eavesdropping on their conversations? Me neither. I would never do such a thing!


  1. Whoa. This place has some serious awesomeness. I'm too young to remember Mary Katherine Gallagher. Ha!

  2. I would love to wander around this place planning all the things to buy someday {that I don't get then because I have no place to put things - not going to say the other thing}. Definitely love the orange chairs! I think plexi is perfect if you have kids since you can just wipe it down and if it's cold and/or dry out the dog hair is sure to be attracted to the static on the plexi making your house easier to clean.

    Good call on owl's pose, it would have taken me a while to figure out why he looked so familiar. :)

  3. Yeah, so I'm gonna need those chairs. All four of them. asap!

  4. Gorgeous finds! The owl is just adorable! Have a lovely day, Kellie xx

  5. I love the Asian style pieces... and that red(ish?) chair.. yes please!!!

  6. I absolutely love that owl and am giddy that you saw the MKG resemblance.

  7. Great stuff! I'll take the chairs too, please!

  8. Who says cocktail hour needs to be respectable???

    Good finds - did you buy anything or was it strictly window shopping?

  9. My most favorite place is a grand consignment shop the Salt Lake City area of Sugarhouse called Home Again. (they don't have a website, just a fb page -- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Home-Again/125982047456634) but Home Again is so awesome. I love to go there and then do lunch at Chipotle next door or Pei Wei right across the street. They have really nice used stuff and at fair prices. They have two locations, too. Thanks for asking. :D

  10. Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about that movie the other day!! "Super Star!" Now I'm picturing her making out with a tree...haha. Anyways, back to your awesome finds- that red chair!! Oh my gosh! I need to find some cool places like that around here to shop at.

  11. OMG..what fabulous finds. If I had to choose one, I couldn't! I would love to add that ice bucket into my home!!!!

  12. Those dining chairs, wow! Loving the ice bucket and the lucite stool as well. Awesome finds! I love shops like this. Will you bring me along next time?

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog today, Elizabeth.


  13. Go back and get that ice bucket!! Your new deck needs it. What does your 1year old think?

  14. Please tell me you bought that owl! I want him! He is so cute! Loving those chairs too!

  15. What a magical store! I hate the want versus need debate. But it is an important one. Love the MKG owl :)

  16. I think the MKG reference is genius!!! Bravo!

  17. I need that owl...to go on top of that chinoiserie table!

  18. Loving the Mary Katherine Gallagher owl! Love, love, love, the awesome ice bucket and of course those killer reddish/orange chairs.

    I love to haunt Goodwill and a couple of thrift stores in a nearby ritzy town and of course, Homegoods. My little guy, whose getting not-so-littler everyday won't have it anymore. Gone are the days of lollipop bribes. Enjoy that shopping buddy while you can!

    Have a great weekend!

  19. I actually snorted when I read the MKG reference. So funny! Love that owl. I do have a place or two I like to go for inspiration but I have to get childcare in order or it's mayhem...


  20. um, covet the chair! We have an antique "emporium" in downtown that I fancy a little too much :)

  21. That is one ah-mazing antique store! I'll take one of everything please!


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