July 17, 2012

the crowd is turning

I have a very demanding audience. And they are getting antsy.

They are 4 and 1.

We started out the summer with a bang doing a million fun things; zoo, pool, playdates, museums, camps, trips. But we've started to loose our fizzle.

We went from dancing in the streets.

To doing this.

They are starting to turn on me.

So this week I'm pulling out every Pinterest trick to get back to this.

How do you deal with the summer slump? How many trips to Target and Michael's can you make in a week? Have you heard of any summer camps for moms? I would be happy to be sent away for a week.


  1. Your kids are too cute! Let me know if you find any summer camps for moms. I'm in!

  2. Your littles are so cute - I especially love that photo of the small one crying in her fancy dress and the big one looking so concerned! What are their names?
    I recommend the nature scavenger hunt I did last week - but you'd have to make it work for a younger audience. You're creative, though, I'm sure you could do it. And you would have to do it with them since the reading part may be a problem with younger kids.
    Also, one summer when mine were smaller, we set up our camping tent in the back yard and left if up for a few days. They played, napped and hung out in there and we even slept in there one night. It was pretty fun. That's all I've got. Oh, and they do have a summer camp for Mommys. It's called the day spa. xo

  3. They are so stinking cute! Oh my goodness ME TOOOOOO! I have three turning on me. I also have a son with some special needs so he yells at me, a lot. I am trying hard not to go crazy. I've also been using pinterest a lot lately. We made those miniature bow and arrows the other day. I am excited to come back and read everyone's tips in the comment section.

  4. Your girls are precious...Being somewhat "older", and living in an "Active Adult Community"....meaning people over 50 who can still MOVE....I have seen that most have found the GRANDPARENTS the summer camp for Moms! My younger grandchildren live too far and the others are adults themselves, but most of my neighbors are running SUMMER CAMPS!

  5. Mom camp! Oh, wait, is that called something else. Babysitter, nanny for a day, ??? Sometimes it only takes a new bunch of books from the library. Darling girls.

  6. Oh, I feel for you. I remember those days....so many dollars spent at the dollar store. Right about now you are wishing Disney would come out with another re-mix-make movie of some sort.Have you tried "make your own play dough"? That is a fun one, recopies all over the net. "Let's get wet" parties...water, kids, hoses, slip-N-Slide. After all that, drop them off at Ikea in the babysitting section, and go shopping.

  7. Haha. Oh good times...let me know if you have any good ideas. I have a 17 month old and am always looking for play ideas.

  8. I love this post...the pictures really do say it all!! I think pinterest is great for ideas, but a summer camp for moms? Now that sounds good!

    -All Grown Up Parties

  9. Your babies are too precious...and I barely remember those long summer days trying to keep the troups entertained. Now, with my boys at 15 & 18, I actually have to wake them up by noon to get them to "DO SOMETHING" each day...which reminds me - the lawns need to be mowed today!

  10. Hahaha! I'm going through the same thing. Unfortunately I haven't figured out yet what to do about it. And no, I haven't heard of a summer camp for moms. I'd love to go to one though! (Preferably in a 4 star hotel with pool-side massages.)

  11. If you do find a mom's summer camp let me know. I'll be right there with you!

  12. Sign me up for a camp like that!

    For our family, after the little leagues and camps are done, we just lay low and do our OLD MOVIE nights! We have boys, and we just finished our Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger movie-thons, one a night. What makes it exciting for them is that we do movies with the works, popcorn, candy, etc! They really get excited waiting to d
    Find out what movie's next and what snacks they'll choose!

    Your kids are you gerr than mine though, but stil old cartoons like Rainbow bright, care bears, may be something that may tickle their fancy from the usual stuff they see on tv.

  13. What lil darlins' you have. They look so innocent at this age, don't they?lol.....My youngest is 4 and oldest is 13 so that should give you an idea on what my days are like :)

    P.S Sign me up for moms' camp. I'll gladly join ya :)

  14. If we lived close I would give you some well deserved time off. My granddaughters are 10, 6 and 3. I have full experience. Hey, I don't think I even know your location. oh, well - it's the thought that counts, right? no?

  15. Oh, I remember those days well! Crafts saved me every time. My daughter loved Wikisticks, Shrinkydinks, and whatever those things are that you can buy at Michaels where you put the tiny cylinders all over in a pattern or not and then you iron it and it melts together. Do you know what I'm talking about, or have you just decided I'm cray? Those things that I'm trying to explain are very good for lots of skills. One of them is fine motor/dexterity. And nothing is easier than dot art. Can you tell that I used to be a teacher?! HAVE FUN. It will go faster than you'd like! Mine is going into high school. Ugh.

  16. Repeat after me..less is more, less is more, less is more. I vote for Cheerio and apple juice tea parties on the front lawn, bubble baths in the wading pool, and reading books together on a blanket in the shade.

  17. Oh man, I hear you...I just bought a yearly pass to a local childrens museum but I don't want it to get old in the first month, so aside from spending $1000 on memberships to all the museums, I have no idea what to do. Plus it is 115 degrees here so all outdoor activities are off the list...

    The Aestate

  18. Fashion plates. Remember those? Our kiddos dig them a TON. I know Amelia would love them if you can find them at one of those estate sales you go to?
    Have you seen the pinterest one with the clear tarps filled with water? If the hubs will let you kill a little patch of lawn, I'd love to hear how that turns out. In Minnesota we hit the beach. Sand castles, rock collections, etc. (You can paint all the rocks you find - or add glitter?) Love from up north! XO

  19. I am laughing! I have a whole list of things planned for my kids too and it has so far not happened!

  20. I dont have kids yet, but my Mom reminds me daily that I used to be exactly how you are describing here. Good news is they grow out of that stage, well at least I think I did. You'd have to ask my Mom for the truth haha :)

  21. I'm not a mom yet but I have lots of friends that are and I think they'd love to be sent away for a week! Wine, massages, and all! Sounds like a pretty darn good idea.

  22. Adorable post! I completely hear ya, sister. I have taken the kids to Home Depot so many times they can tell me where to find things. I gotta think up something fun this weekend especially since dad will be out of town...


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