August 30, 2012

guest post - the pink pagoda, and a guest post

HI Friends! A quick note to let you know that in addition to a great visit from The Pink Pagoda, I'm also over at Emily Clark today talking about the last thing I bought on line. Check it out.

And now...the lovely Jennifer from The Pink Pagoda.
Hi, I'm Jennifer from The Pink Pagoda. I'm thrilled to be Elizabeth's guest today.  I'm continually amazed by her ability to see potential and repurpose.  Whether it's wrapping paper or a less than lovely garden stool from the 80s, she can use it to create something amazing.  Thanks so much for having me today, Elizabeth!

Spoonflower has been around for awhile.  Chances are you've seen something about it before.  In case you haven't, it's a website where you can buy and/or create fabric.  You upload a file, and they print it for you.  Obviously, there's much more to it than that, and you can read all about it here.   I created the fabric in the photo above for the first One Room Challenge in which I redid my laundry room.  I used the images below that are for sale in my Etsy shop to create the fabric.  It was easy, and when it arrived in the mail I couldn't have been happier with the result.

I tried it again for the last One Room Challenge round and it did not work for me.  Apparently I should have purchased the color guide.  You can see from the first image the colors I created.  The second image is a photo of the fabric Spoonflower printed.  The colors are way off.  The blues went much greener.  I'm not giving up on Spoonflower, though.  I was impulsive (ADD) not to have taken the time to read about the color guide and purchase it.  There's too much fun potential not to figure this out.  And, if you don't have the tools or knowledge to create the fabric yourself, you can purchase from other  designers who sell their designs through Spoonflower.  There is some incredible fabric available that is much less expensive than designer fabric. 

Kerry Steele, from Design du Monde, posted about her Spoonflower designs here and here.  She created some absolutely amazing fabrics that she'll be selling through the website.  Her fantastic post inspired me to share my Spoonflower experience.

This is an Indian paisley pattern I created on Spoonflower.

A pink and orange watercolor pattern I created.

The two above are geometrics I created on Spoonflower.  

If you know how to use Photoshop or the like to create images to upload, Spoonflower can be a fabric resource for you.  It's really fun to play around and see what you come up with.  And how amazing to be able to have fabric that you designed yourself!   I've had some new ideas I'm excited about trying.  Is this something you would ever attempt?

Thank you so much for having me here at Little Black Door, Elizabeth!  I loved getting to be here!


  1. Hey Jennifer, thanks for the mention. I got the color guide but haven't had a chance to double check my colors entirely yet. My first sample was way off too. There are lots of little tricks I still have to learn on Spoonflower.
    Love the paisley!

  2. Y'all are such an inspiration! These are so fun!! xo

  3. Great post, Jennifer! I've never tried spoonflower before. I'm definitely going to check it out! I love the pink and orange watercolor pattern! Is that available on their/your site?

  4. The more I hear about this, the more I LOVE it, and to make an original fabric is so cool. Great inspiration-one day soon I hope to pull the trigger on designing fabric.
    xo Nancy

  5. Wow...what beautiful fabrics...great inspiration

  6. i love this post!
    really well done....
    love the tape measure.


  7. Love this idea. You created some great looking fabrics!

  8. I use spoonflower too!! I have made some cushions and other much fun!

  9. I love Spoonflower but have never made my own fabric. I just love to see what other creative people have done. This post gives me a little more courage to try it myself...


  10. Hi Elizabeth,
    I just came from Emily's post where I am one of the contributors today too! I am trying to visit the bloggers I have not visited before in blogland. I get a double treat today. Love Jennifer from Pink Pagoda, I share her love for blue and white and she is such a talent and lovely person.
    I have seen spoonflower before but forgot all about it. Thank you for the reminder and also the point about ordering the color swatches, good advice.

  11. I have never tried it, yet....but I have stalked it. Now I am thinking I should try it. Great advice about color change.

  12. I have to try this someday! Your valence came out beautifully! Thanks for the tip! :-)

  13. I am obsessed with spoonflower. I haven't created my own fabric but I have found awesome stuff on there created by others. I ordered a handful of samples that I'm figuring out where to use in my house!

    Jennifer, I LOVE those roman shades you created from your prints! they turned out beautifully! and though the colors weren't the right match that you were looking for on that chevronny looking print I love that one too! LOVE it! Now you're gonna make me track your stuff down on etsy AND spoonflower! ha! Great post

  14. wow! nice design collection ... to get more design click on


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