August 17, 2012

keeping a list and checking it...ever

I can't leave the house anymore without a list - unless I want to run back out as soon as I get home. I forget more and more with each passing month. Which seems really odd since I get younger everyday. Hmmm.

My current system of writing things down on whatever piece of paper I have isn't working for me. And although I do keep a lot of things on my phone/computer calendar, I like having paper so I can cross things off.

Maybe if I had something cute to carry around it would keep me on track?

Emily Ley
Lovey Dovey Creations

May Books
How do you keep yourself organized? Any tricks for keeping lists?


  1. The scraps of paper here and there that I scribble on and promptly lose aren't working for me either. These notebooks you've featured are perfect!

  2. My husband and I use Springpad which is an app we both have on our phones. We have a number of lists going at any time (house projects, things to check out at Michael's, grocery list, etc.) One of the features I really like is that I can update the list from home WHILE he's at the grocery store.

  3. Go check your email lady! I used to carry a filofax planner and then stopped after I had Wells. I'm thinking about going back to it bc I am forgetting things all the freaking time. It's so bad.

  4. These are lovely!
    I'm your newest follower. Great blog!

  5. OK, I have lists on small pads. As I sit at my "new" desk on my computer, I have a pad of paper to write things down. This way I can go back, google or whatever. Put the info where it needs to go and toss out the piece of paper.
    Do write grocery items down on a "going list". When we go to the store the list of needed items is all there. But....MC can't leave a grocery store with just the "list" items. He always buys many extras!

  6. I have a notebook but most of the time I forget it at home too. Ha!

  7. I try paper and the Iphone notepad. It's always a surprise when I get what I actually need.

  8. My Ipad Notes - for sure I don't loose my ipad and I never leave home without it! :-)

  9. I jot a note in my calendar on my smartphone and I hope it keeps me smart. It usually works. It reminds me well, if I don't clear it or delete it when I first see it. Great post, Ms Elizabeth!

  10. My husband has gotten me hooked on Evernote. You can access it anywhere and it will send you reminders so you won't forget all that important stuff you write down! Not that I'm organized, but it's helping...

  11. I wish I had some creative tips for list making! I usually use the old pen and paper, but I think it's time to get with the times and start to use my iphone!

  12. That's me lately. I got a cute notepad from Martha Stewart at Staples. I haven't used it though :/ It's too pretty. For now I just use my droid or hubby :)

  13. It's the nature of the beast when you're a have to remember everything for the whole family! I use my calendar on my phone and set alerts plus I write everything on my calendar which is only a week at a time...if I do the monthly view anxiety kicks in because I'm overwhelmed with all the crap we have going on...and lastly, I do make daily lists, I like the feeling of accomplishment when I get to cross something off, it's not as exciting when you erase it from a phone list. With all the precautions I take you'd think I'd never forget anything and always be on time....sadly that's not my reality!

  14. I am really good about writing work things down and doing them and I have a spiral notebook for that that I love. Personal lists I am good at writing down and find it exciting when I find them months later and I've done everything!!! It would be better if they were done right away but at least they get done eventually. I think if you had a notepad you'd be better than me at getting things done so you should certainly grab one of the ones you have selected. :)

  15. ah, a good notebook and pen seem to keep me organized. those notebooks are so colorful and chic. i might need to pick up some "organization" notebooks. writing things down always seems to do the trick.


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