August 1, 2012

one room challenge reveal... times 20

It's like Christmas morning! Only I don't remember having this good a tan at Christmas time. Today is reveal day for the One Room Challenge ladies. These ladies have been busting their arses for the past six weeks and I would imagine they are all passed out at this point in a state of exhaustion and delirium.

The One Room Challenge is the brain child of my lovely Linda and its about as addictive as just about anything on Bravo. Make sure to head over to 1, 10 or all 20 of these sites to see the wonderful results. This is great pinning action people.



  1. Oh thank you so much for the shout out! Love you!

  2. haha, i agree! I posted about it on my blog today too! fun to see how all of the rooms have turned out. but now what are we going to do every wednesday with no progress blogs to read!!!!! ha

  3. LOL - I LOVE that you said as addicting as anything on Bravo! I am a certified Bravo addict, but theres no way my posts could compete with Teresa Guidice's drama ;)

  4. Can't wait to visit them all!

  5. Youre so darling! Thanks so much for supporting our challenge and our design frenzy! We are thrilled to have participated, and glad its over, was a lovely push, with added bennies of great new friends!
    xo Nancy

  6. Oh yay, I've been waiting for this!! Can't wait to check them all out!!

  7. You're so awesome to post this! And you're right -- my eyes are crossing!

  8. Thanks for the shout out! You are so sweet.

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my bedroom earlier as well!


  9. Yea Bravo devotees! I agree...waiting for Wednesdays was fun! Love the ORC. Maybe Andy Cohen will pick it up?

  10. What a great idea! Thanks for the links...



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