September 3, 2012

guest post - my crafty home life

Hello Little Black Door Readers! I'm Linda, from the blog My Crafty Home Life.  Elizabeth is at the beach, as you all may she asked me to help fill the blank pages while she is gone. Yes, I know, I call that RPP (Rich People Problems). 

Nevertheless, I'm always game to play on someone else's blog. Recently I did a gallery wall with my collection of Chinoiserie Paint-By-Numbers.

As loyal readers of LBD, I know you are familiar with the fact that Elizabeth knows how to rock a gallery wall.

In fact, when I was working on mine I emailed her for help. Hours went by, then...finally, she emailed me back saying she was sorry....she was at the pool...YUP RPP!

I'm over it...I did it without her. Today, I would like to give you some tips for buying Paint-By-Number prints...and a perdition on an upcoming trend. Let's start with the trend

Apartment Therapy

Eric Roth Photography via Canadian House & Home

See it? No, I am not suggesting that the Equestrian Chic trend is a prediction. It has already made the rounds on many blogs. Here is my prediction

When you put Equestrian Chic together with Paint-By-Numbers...what do you get?

Country Living

Yes! That is my prediction...OK, Country Living may have caught on a tad bit before me...but they didn't do a galley wall with horses.

Now that we know what we are hunting for, here are my tips....

Shopping for Paint-By-Number horse prints on EBAY

1. Know how to word search. Remember we want prints already painted.

A quick search under "used paint by number horse" brought up a total of (23) prints. Here is a sample of the search.

Sold here
$7.99 + Free Shipping!

This Pair
Sold Here
$29.99 + Free Shipping

This Pair

Sold Here
$45.95 + $15.95 Shipping

Which brings me to tip number 2

2. Set a price limit...and stick to it!!

Let's face it, the third option from above is way out of line. I would suspect that after horse prints become hot, that seller would stand a better chance. Remember, it never feels good to pay too much for anything.

A word search under "vintage horse paint by number" resulted in (36) prints.

One of the auctions that did not show up with the first search is this one

Sold Here
$9.99 + $5.35 Shipping

To me, this is by far the best deal and choice so far. Three paintings that are all vintage and in original black frames.

My final tip
3. Be patient and check back. A collection takes time. Trust me, whatever you will come again if you miss it this time. Sometimes, the next option is better than the one that got away.

Now just for fun, I thought I would show you this one

Sold Here
The price? Are you sitting down? $99.99 + $18.15 for Shipping

As Elizabeth would say, "Does that include the crack you are smoking, or is that separate?" 

Those are my secrets for collecting Paint-By-Number prints. If you are currently collecting horse prints...sorry! This probably gave you a bit of competition. 

Thanks for having me, Elizabeth. I hope you come back with a few new cocktail recipes.


  1. Linda, Nancy and I were talking about your gallery wall on Saturday, when we were shopping without you. Actually we were saying how much we liked it. I like the horsey thing too.

  2. I always appreciate the detailed description of how to search for something so thank you! I cannot for the life of me ever find anything on Craig's list for thi is appreciated!

  3. Darling post Linda! I see horse pictures in decorating constantly is coming big time. There were a ton of large scale monochromatic horse canvases at Lucketts last weekend, but no P-B-N's. Your collection looks unique and I love it. Have a great week, and Elizabeth, hope your vacation was a blast!

  4. I think your prediction is a good one Linda! Great tips.
    I often stumble across paint by number pieces while in antique and thrift stores. They are out there if you are looking for them, but like you said, it takes patience.

  5. Great post Linda and I have had my eye on paint by numbers since your ORC! I love your wall gallery and love the look! I recently came across a whole slew of paint by numbers and was dying to get them but need to figure out where i'm going to put them.

  6. Paint By Numbers....there is hope yet! I am awful at art! The main reason I never attempted to actually study Interior Design. I can't draw a box!

  7. Interesting prediction. But yes, I have seen them around. I am with Heather, not sure where I would put them in my house!

  8. I cant believe these have become so popular...Hum, I will have to keep my eye out for them. They make a great gallery wall.

  9. Here'a another prediction Linda - I am going to get me one of those paint-by-numbers artwork but not horses.. can you predict what is is? It's something that grows outside and is pretty big! :-)Thanks fo rinspiration!

  10. "The Amazing Linda", love that you are 'wearing a new hat' as a trend predictor. I LOVED your gallery wall in the ORC! Great details on hunting for them.

  11. Thanks, Elizabeth for having me on your blog today...and thank you guys for the sweet comments. It is always fun to play on another blog.

  12. Linda, ARE YOU READING MY MIND???? I had been grabbing mine on Etsy & Ebay. Ever since your reveal they are harder to find. Coinkydink??? I think not, you set the trend. I have been eyeing this gem to do one myself....
    something to chase away the winter blues....

  13. Thank you for sharing all of this. SO interesting! I used to collect vintage and antique tea tins and it was fun but time consuming. Ebay just has so much to see!

  14. Great post Linda!! I wish I had some RPP!! But in the meantime I am appreciating learning your tricks of the trade!! Your wall of chinoiserie pbn's is the BEST!! xo

  15. Linda, you are a girl after my own heart. When I'm not a designer I am a professional researcher, So your search terms and methodology section got me all misty eyed. A true kindrid spirit. Coolio prediction on the paint by numbers. I'm going to watch this and bug you for tips on the next one so I can get out ahead of it:)

  16. It's funny that I have been seeing paint by numbers all over retail spaces as well lately. Neiman Marcus has a window display of paint-by-numbers {I have a post of this scheduled to arrive on my blog at some point} and Nordstrom had a half finished one near their customer service desk.

    Neither were horses but I wouldn't be surprised.


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