April 22, 2013

you had to be there

It's warm, sunny and Monday. Two out of three, not bad. How was your weekend? Did you wake up confused as to what day it might be? I did. Bummer when you think for a split second that it is Sunday.

Anyway, as those of you that are long time readers know, I can't go very long without changing things around these parts. It is chronic and there is no end in sight (sorry hubs). But often the changes are small enough that they aren't meaty enough for their very own post. (see, I now remember the word meat)

So I thought I'd gather them up and every once in a while do a little show and share - thus, the birth of 'you had to be there'.

Let's go into the living room, shall we? Don't look at the Barbie's on the floor but turn your eye up. I decided that keeping blue and white platters in a closet is just as bad as putting Baby in a corner. So I've added them above my favorite Pink Pagoda couple.

Since you are already looking up, you may also notice this.

Yes, I'm changing my dining room chandelier again.

We finally have a rug in our bedroom.

The hubs got it for me for Christmas. Which is in December. And it is now April. I know, I know.

This is happening in the entry hall (if you can call it that).

And finally, my ongoing battle with my mantel continues and I've changed it yet again. I pulled out some old sconces that I got at an estate sale way back when and slapped those suckers up. I had always thought I might spray them but I think I like the patina on the brass. And I love my pink candles.

Why yes, that is one of my lovely Indie Mats on the mantel. Good eye! Let it serve as a reminder - this is the last day you can enter to win these lovelies for your own home! Make sure you enter to win!

What about you? Do you move things around your house often? Made any small updates lately?


  1. Love that rug...and the "in progress" shots! Nice to know not everyone has a magazine worthy home every day...lord knows mine is not either!

  2. I move stuff all the time. It is a chronic condition - Design ADD - DADD. So glad I'm not alone. Your little tweaks look great of course, so a little DADD is a good thing, in my book!

  3. Ive got the same disease!Lovely that there is a 'club' of us, isn't there? Love your new rug.Have fun, and sorry about your foyer paint! ugh-maddening, I know. You probably have to use an oil based primer before you paint again..
    Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  4. Those hot pink candles are too fun. Where did you get them?

  5. Ain't no shame in change! Can you tell me more about your front door? I'm really intrigued with the openness of the door, but want to know if it's private enough for you.

    What do you have going up in the entryway? Wallpaper? Grasscloth?

  6. Changes are inevitable around here too ;-) And I love the sconces too, the pink candles are like icing on top of the cake. Loving all of it!

  7. nobody puts blue and white platters in the closet.
    and LOVE all the changes- it's non stop here, too. love the sconces and rug! can't wait to see the hall and the chandy!
    and it's sunny, cold, and monday here.... one out of three. eew.

  8. I love these little changes. And I share your thoughts they may not all be post-worthy on their own so I don't post them much either, even though I' m changing things up a lot. I love your pink candles too!

  9. I have so many projects I want to start, but sadly they all require more funds than I have at my disposal. Big sad face. Looks like I'm going to live vicariously through you!

  10. There isn't a day that goes by that I DON'T move or change something! I'm in that club of crazy people for sure!

  11. Great Pink! I can't think of anything more fitting for those sconces than bright and youthful!!

  12. I'm guilty of DADD too. I'm guessing the pagoda chandy is going in the dining room?!

  13. Wow, everything is looking fantastic! I love the chandelier, the rug, and the amazing prints by The Pink Pagoda!!

    The Glam Pad

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm always changing things up too - there are no true 'afters', just various states of progress!

  16. I can't stop! I am always moving things around or thinking about moving things around. I need help, let's start a group...wait...

  17. If I had more time I might move things around more. Also, I don't really buy things {except for fabric that I mostly hoard until I have money to pay someone to do things with it} so there's less motivation to move things.

    I like the pink candles as well as the baby comment. It's always a good idea to slip that phrase in.

  18. I happen to LOOOOOVE change. Kinda of a feels like things are never "done", which is annoying, but it keeps from getting in a rut and living in a dated space. Great rug and super great pink candles!

  19. Oddly enough, I did wake up thinking it was Sunday. The bad thing is that, unlike you, it wasn't just a split second, it was the entire day! I totally missed a very important deadline! I am loving the snippets you have shared of your home! And I do frequently redecorate and move things around. It's usually a decorator's disease.

  20. Love it! I'm constantly changing my place too. If it stays the same for too long I go crazy, and there are always those problem spots that you just can't get right.

  21. Hi, coming over from Kristen's this morning and then I noticed that I follow you already on Instagram! Duh!
    Love your style!

  22. I love your pink candles. I think this is such a fabulous idea to add color to a room. My friend does this too with turquoise candles and they just make the room stand out. I have the Pink pagoda girl print....in love with it. Love your plate addition to the top.

  23. That entry is going to be great. I love all the light. I can't help you with the mantle, I'm mantle-ly challenged.

  24. I'm so so so behind on your lovely blog but trying to catch up on the news now ;) Yep, always swap things around (it's a sickness I tell ya) which don't really merit a post until there's enough changes to do so! I like this idea :) And I love your pink candles and the sconces in which they sit. I love Linda's comment above mine: 'mantle-ly challenged' HA!! Yeah me too. I can't get away from symmetry in on my dining room mantle - like everything I try just looks wrong and then I just go back to symmetry and it looks right. But it FEELS wrong, it feels like cheating. First world problems, clearly. xxx


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