May 21, 2013

DIY ribbon trim curtain panels

So since my wrist has been giving me troubles, I've had a chance to catch up on other things; like gardening, reading, butter churning. You know, vintage pre-computer things. I even got out my old design binders. Those glorious files of tear sheet after tear sheet stuffed into six (yes six) binders. Basically the paper version of Pinterest.

And while searching thru my old piles of inspiration I found this.

An image from one of my all time favorite articles on Fran Keenan in Cottage Living (hand over your heart. How I miss that magazine). I have been looking for a way to spruce up my plain white curtains in the dining room since, oh the day I got them. I'd even toyed with adding ribbon along the leading edge of the curtains, but it just looked dinky so I never went thru with it.

But this looked more... substantial. And big key, simple(ish) enough to attempt. I tried several different sizes of ribbon from my stash (c'mon, like you don't have a ribbon stash?!) to figure out how big the ribbon needed to be. 1" was too thick and 5/8" was too small, leaving lucky 7/8". Before I knew it I was putting the girls in the car and we were off to Michael's to buy a 20 yard roll of 7/8" navy grosgrain.

This project went down so quick I didn't take many pictures of the process but I will tell you it is as simple as making an X with two ribbons, repeating it about 50 times and then trimming the whole thing with more ribbon. I just tried out a few different size Xs to see what I would like best and then once I found the right length, I cut 24 strips in that length to make the Xs. I glued down each one and then finished them off with trim at the top and bottom of the X and along each side of the drape. One thing to note, this takes A LOT of ribbon. My 20 yards wasn't enough and I had to go back and buy another 13. Crazy, I know.

Very simple and a great detail against the white curtains. I knew I kept all of those old magazines for a reason!

Can't show you the right side of the dining room as there are some other projects over that'a way that I'm finishing up. Soon enough my friends.

So spill it. Have you been so inspired by an image that you needed to create something right away? Is there an old magazine article that is burned into your brain? Have you ever used 33 yards of ribbon?


  1. I LOVE how these turned out! What a great way to add some interest to plain curtains! They look great!

  2. What a smart way to makes your curtains look fantastic! By the way, I love all of those plates on the blue wall in that room. Everyone of those plates looks GREAT with the blue paint. And you know I love that red chandy!!

  3. These look absolutely stunning! Love that detail at the top. Just love how your dining room is looking. I'm on the hunt now for one of those chandeliers!

  4. those are so beautiful!!!! love the trim- they look amazing in your room!!!

  5. Love that! I've wanted to add trim too to drapes that are always open and working the side edge wouldn't accomplish anything cause the folds would obscure the trim ... creating a pattern across the top that's always visible is such a great idea. Your DR looks great. You just hot glued the trim? Robin

  6. Oh my gosh, insanely good! Now, if only everyone could turn having carpel tunnel into a productive "rest" from the computer, we'd all probably have happier and prettier homes (like yours) for it.

  7. Awesome! This looks fantastic! Such a new take on the ribbon drapes that I'm seeing everywhere (and just ordered for myself:). You are too good girl!

  8. So so clever. I will keep this on my pinterest! But the best rediscovered it!!!
    Yes, I have seen something that instantly had me creating!! Fun...Keeps life interesting!

  9. E, they came out fantastic! You did an amazing job. I love the chandy red, btw. I am up for a drapery hack.

  10. I have questions...did you glue the entire ribbon project or was sewing involved? Was measuring involved because it looks perfect! I have a file of mag tear outs myself. Maybe I should look through them again?

  11. First, I know that picture (pre Pinterest too)!!! Second, holy hotness Batman...fabulous!! Love them...applause, applause, applause!!

  12. Wow, that room is coming together, and this is the perfect geometric punch!

  13. Oh my gosh, I love that ribbon detail!!! You are a genius! I have done lots of grosgrain trim on plain panels, but this takes up a HUGE notch!!!

  14. Love this! It has so much impact, but not as complicated as a greek key!! Fabulous!

  15. It looks pretty stunning Elizabeth! Love it! It's funny, I also still have my old 6 year binders too and can't get myself to throw them out, maybe this is a sign I should open it up again and find me some inspiration!!!! Love it dear!

  16. Elizabeth-
    Your curtains look fabulous! Great work.

  17. Love this look! Such an elegant touch...and adds a little class!

  18. The room is looking so bold- i love the curtains, girl! You did a great job!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  19. Very creative, fun and interesting! Great job.

  20. This is fabulous! The red chandie really pops the curtains out now!

  21. I still have binders and hard drives full of images I rifle through as well. I don't trust that Pinterest will be around long term.

    I love the drapes and can't believe you glued them. I know people do that all the time, but will that stick long term or do they come unglued eventually?

  22. Look fabulous!!!! White curtains with unique trim are my fave!!

  23. I love the trim! It's just perfect for your dining room and your lantern stands out even more now. Great job!

  24. LOVE this! What a great detail that looks so custom and perfect!!

  25. Love them! They look fantastic and it's nice to see something different. Great job.

  26. Wow your home is lovely, really nice.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  27. I love what you did! The curtain looks stunning! It's a great design for a plain white curtain. Good job!
    fire retardant curtains

  28. Perfect addition and totally more unique then just a band on the leading edge! Well done as always!

  29. Looks great Elizabeth! Love the blue and red!

  30. Oh I love it!!! Wao! What a great, easy and successful idea! I think you might start a trend on this one!

  31. Hand over my heart for Fran Keenan, CL, and your ribbon detail! Bravo. I have mucho binders of tears sheets and every issue of CL. I have had to threaten the mr. with a knife from pitching them more times than I can count. Kidding, sorta.

  32. Oh god, I love it!! You are so good at this!! I freaking love your dining room and this is just icing on the cake.

    (What? Cake?! Where?!)

    Fabulous job Miss Thang! xxx

  33. Ummm these are absolutely gorgeous!! You did an amazing job!!

  34. Fabulous!!! DYI endvors never look so good. Amal

  35. Those are great Elizabeth! Love black and white and anything with ribbon detailing :) xo Kristin

  36. Elizabeth! These are so, so good. Awesome job! I see some ribbon trim in my curtains future!

  37. oh la la! You went all out, I love it!!


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