June 24, 2013

party like its 1963 - 50th wedding anniversary

Happy Monday to all! Anything exciting to report? We had rain, with a side of rain and large helping of humidity. Summer in St. Louis y'all.

So I blabbed long enough about this anniversary party I thought I should at least share a few pictures with you. My parents celebrated 50 years of marriage and in my book, 50 years of anything deserves a party. And party we did.

Now a (long) side note - I have had lists upon lists over the past few months to keep things organized for this shindig and we were on schedule. The hubs was on board and the weekend before the party he and I sat down and made a list of what we needed to get done each day that week to be ready for the party on Saturday. Teamwork is our middle name.

Then Monday night the hubs got sick. Tuesday morning I had to take him to the ER and by Tuesday night he had an emergency appendectomy. Which was kind of weird because I didn't remember 'surgery' anywhere on our to-do list.

Que increased stress level.

And to add to the fun, surgery was followed by an infection which kept him in the hospital until late Friday. Coupled with a mystery plumbing leak, a surprise tree removal and a daily increased threat of rain, my stress level runneth over.

I will save all of the gory details for cocktail hour, but needless to say by the time Saturday arrived I was just happy to have showered and brushed my hair. I didn't get as many pictures taken as I would have liked, and some are with my iPhone so they aren't the best quality but you'll get the idea. And we were lucky enough to have the talented Jeremy Keltner there during the party and he got some great shots as well.

Lesson learned. As my great-grandfather always said - don't bother worrying because you will always be worrying about the wrong thing.

So with all of that said, a great time was had by all and the party was a success. We did end up with a downpour shortly after the cake was cut but the fun just moved inside and we didn't skip a beat.

Now enough talk, let's look at some pictures.

Almost ready to go.

The welcome wreath that greeted everyone at the gate as they entered.

Would have been awesome if I had gotten a picture of these things filled out with the drink labels filled in but this will have to do.

I made the menu using the same monogram that appeared on the invitation and the cake.

Each table was decked out in ribbons in my mom's colors, blue, green and yellow, and pictures of the happy couple through the years. The frames were a DIY project I'll share at some point.

They were a pain to hang, but the lanterns were great. All the lanterns were battery operated and worked off of one universal remote which was heaven. Thanks Pier 1.

Inside was a table full of wedding pictures and albums.

And the yummy cake.

Which we cut just in time to move inside before the monsoon hit.

It was a late night but a great time.

Happy Anniversary mom and dad!

Have you thrown any parties lately? Any great outdoor celebrations on your calendar? Wanna come over for a drink? The house is clean.


  1. Wow, you did a fantastic job!! I love the lanterns, they're a perfect touch. Also loving the red light fixture in that dining room. Gorgeous!!!



  2. What a sweet party for your parents! I hope you treated yourself to a large glass of wine after the week you had leading up to it!!

  3. Can't believe you pulled that off with everything else you had going on. Cheers to you! Looks like it was a beautiful party. Your parents must've been thrilled!


  4. What a gorgeous party! I can't imagine all the work that went into it! Your parents are super lucky to have such a sweet, creative daughter!

  5. Lovely!
    Again glad the hubs is OK.
    Your parents Make a Great Couple!

  6. Yes! Lots of celebrating going on this month. Your party looked like it was a success and I'm sure the a great time was had by all. The decorations, attention to detail, and cake all look amazing. So sorry that your husband ended up in ER.. life is always throwing those unexpected curve balls.


  7. I love all of your great ideas for this party, Elizabeth! We're about 5 years away from my parents' 50th, so I need to start thinking about that. Everything looks absolutely lovely! Congratulations to your parents!

  8. It's so beautiful and looks like your parents had a fantastic time (given their smiles!). I can't believe you managed to organize such a great event even with the surprise health issues in your home that week. I bow down to you!

  9. What a wonderful party and even more wonderful are the people your celebrating it for! I bet they were so happy with everything! You are all lucky to have each other! Quick question, did you rent the umbrellas too? Love everything Elizabeth!

  10. I was stressing out with you reading the events of the week, holy moly! You pulled it off beautifully, those lanterns give such a nice ambiance and festive feel to the party! What a wonderful gift for your parents!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Can I adopt you? This is amazing, and the decorations were over the top, good. I love how you framed their pictures and that drink bar was brilliant. I know this is about the party, but let us take a moment and celebrate the orange chandelier. Amen!

  13. Wow, Elizabeth! You did ALL that?! I mean, I'm not surprised one bit, but holy cow that is amazing! What a sweet daughter no less :).

  14. Wow, what a stressful week but you pulled if off beautifully! Great job as always! Happy 50th to your parents!

  15. What a week you had! When it rains it pours, right? (I guess for you that rule was also literal!) I hope your husband is doing much better. And look at you- after the week you had you still pulled off a gorgeous party. Your parents look so sweet and I'm sure it was so special for them. Happy Anniversary to them and congrats to you for putting together such a great party!

  16. Pleased to hear hubby is okay first and foremost. However, how the HECK did you pull all that off with so much else going on?! It looks amazing and even if there was no caveat of the week you had, I wouldn't have thought you'd missed out on a single detail. Seriously impressive and it looks like a fantastic party! Well done, hun on pulling it off with such panache and a very Happy 50th to your parents! xxx

  17. Oh how beautiful. Everything looks so nice and well put together. Happy 50th to your parents. Glad your hubby is doing well.

  18. Awwww! What a sweet anniversary party!! You did such an amazing job! Congratulations to your parents!

    The Glam Pad

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