August 5, 2013

vacation hangover

She returns!

Is there any day worse than the first day after a glorious two week vacation? I think not. But I did miss y'all terribly and it does feel good to see a computer again (sort of).

We didn't get home last night until about 10 pm thanks to a three hour delay around Chattanooga, so I feel behind already. A dead stop on the highway in the mountains with two antsy girls (three if you count me) is not a prime Sunday drive, let me tell you.

So as I dig everything out of the car and start the mountain of laundry, imagine I'm spending my day working at this lovely spot.

Ahh, memories.

But have no fear, I had many projects going before I left, so I'll have plenty to share with you in the coming days!

So tell me, what did I miss while I was gone? Anything good? I need details people!


  1. Well, I am having a vacation hangover for you! Loved all the photos you shared on instagram ... just lovely! Welcome home and good luck with the laundry!! xo

  2. From Instagram, it looks like you had a great time! Looking forward to reading all the details.

  3. Ha!! Love that you are back!! I know about the loads of laundry waiting for you!! Its always sad to leave the vacation behind but nice to be back on a routine. I have one more week before I head back....but will be ready and charged! Welcome back!

  4. Your instagram pics look so fun! Welcome back!

  5. Everyone needs a vacation from their vacation, so no worries dear, jsust keep on enjoying your memories and get back on the 'groove' when you can. ;-)

  6. Welcome back! Post-vacation laundry is the worst! Sorry about your TN traffic jam. Can't wait to see what projects you have up your sleeve.

    Oh, I don't know if you saw but I posted about a piece of Etsy art I bought for my husband that I found through one of your Pinterest pins. So, a belated thank you to you for that!

  7. You missed noting. We all blogged along about the same type stuff. The only missing piece was you. Welcome home.

  8. So happy your looked like you had the time of your life...I was so jealous I wanted to slap you!! Can't wait to see what you were working on...

  9. Welcome home. As I have not blogged in forever, you didn't miss much from me! :) Glad to hear you had a great vacation.

  10. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing your new projects!

  11. What? 3-hour delay in Chattanooga?!? You were right here!! Next time you call me girl.

  12. Yay! Welcome home hun! Don't stress about the laundry, as soon as it's done, it piles back up again so might as well relax ;) (this is probably why I always have a full basket waiting) xxx

  13. oh man, your pictures look amazing. I'd NEVER come home. So glad you had a wonderful adventure.
    xo Nancy

  14. Welcome back girl! I am just now catching up from our family vacation to Puerto Vallarta a couple of weeks ago. This is a fun week for me...I am taking part in the Getting Creative @ Home blog tour and enjoying a huge response from my post today about how to prevent duvet cover shifting. I love blogging!

  15. So glad you got away and had an amazing time!


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