August 19, 2013

weekend progress

It's Monday again. Joy.

How was your weekend? Mine was jam packed.

I finished some curtains for a client and they are ironed and ready to deliver today.

We transplanted the almost-dead hydrangeas to a spot in my yard where I know hydrangeas thrive and put in something else. (which needs to be trimmed)

We had a last weekend of summer campout in the backyard which was a huge hit, even if the hub's back is still paying for it.

I made a pillow with my new trim from Fringe Market. And when I say made I mean that I glued the trim onto a plain white pillow cover from IKEA. That's my kind of sewing.

If you don't know about Fringe Market yet you need to. They have amazing trims in all different colors and patterns, they will do any type of custom order you need and they are some of the nicest people of Etsy. Trust that I'll be ordering much more from them. Love them.

And we ended the weekend with a campfire and some neighborly BBQ. Now I've got to get ready for Amelia to start Kindergarten tomorrow. Wahoo!!! How is it possible to have a child in Kindergarten when I'm still a young dewy 18 year old myself?!

How was your weekend? Glue anything? Burn anything? Brave the back to school section at Target?


  1. Wow that was a productive weekend, Elizabeth! I love the x detail on the curtains, pleeeeease show a photo of them hanging! Good luck to your little munchkin on her big day tomorrow (and to you!)

  2. Love that trim and so glad that a pro uses the glue trick like I do! Have a fun first day of school! My baby girl doesn't start back until Labor Day week. Ugh. A campout sounds like fun, but we have a sneaky snake in our backyard so I don't think that's happening any time soon!

  3. love the new pillow, but my favorite is the shot of the girls- so adorable!!!

  4. Those blue-trimmed curtains look amazing. Just a fun design. And how cute are your little campers!?!

  5. Those plain white pillow covers from IKEA are the best! Love the backyard campout idea, I'm sure they had a blast!

  6. I am obsessed with fringe market. They are the best!

  7. Glueing is my kind of sewing too Elizabeth! I'm updating some pillows too using gold fabric pen, can't wait 'til it's done. Love camping out back too, but I agree with the hubs, the back does suffer a bit. :-)

  8. New world! Summers are so short now! Back in the OLDEN've heard that started the Monday AFTER Labor Day!!!
    How can you go back to school with summer clothes????

  9. Love the pillow! Fabric glue is the best. The only kind of "sewing" I'll do!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  10. Your girls are too cute! My oldest just started pre-school and I can't believe it. Glue is my best friend, too.

    On Friday night I stenciled something for the first time since elementary school. It was a trial run to see if I could attempt it on a (slightly) larger scale. It took a fair amount of nail polish remove to get the paint off my fingertips!

  11. Thanks so much for the pillow ideas. I was just thinking, "where could I find some good trim to add to an already done pillow to make it different?" This is perfect! You can tell I'm not big on sewing, either. And that pineapple is perfect! Where did you get it?

  12. Cute pillow! The campout looks fun(ish). I don't do camping but in theory it looks fun.
    Back to school time is nuts in the stores. UGH.

  13. That's the best kinda sewing ever ;-) Have a good week!

  14. thanks for the tip on that etsy store! fab! the pillow came out so cute. Your girls are precious!

  15. Love that pillow trim! Thanks for the source - this could come in very handy!

  16. I love that cushion trim!! And the pineapple cushion too :) And your kids are just too gorgeous, shouldn't be allowed really - you're making other parents of ugly kids look bad ya know ;) xxx

    (I'm joking! Every child is beautiful)

    (okay not joking)

  17. I don't know about fringemarket. Thanks for the tip. How cute are your girls!

  18. Love the trim! You are so funny with your glue. :)

  19. I have a feeling I need to do the same thing to two hydrangea bushes I planted at the beginning of the summer. They only get part sun, but they get the afternoon sun and the leaves are burning up. Bummer for sure! the ribbon on those curtains is stunning!

  20. Wow, you had a busy weekend! Your pillow idea is totally genius. We did a backyard camp out with our kids over the summer too and they loved it so much. I was tempted to sneak back into the house once everyone was asleep and finish out the night in my bed but I toughed it out. :)

  21. Love your pillow idea and the fringe is very pretty! Loving the pics too! Xx

  22. Love your pillow idea and the fringe is very pretty! Loving the pics too! Xx

  23. I could get excited about this Fringe Market...

  24. Awww, what a lovely weekend! Your daughters are so beautiful!! :)

    The Glam Pad

  25. Thanks for the tip on the fringe market. That shot of your girls is too cute.

  26. Love that trim!! I'd love to try that on draperies soon!


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