October 18, 2013

fess up friday - abby m interiors

I see that smile on your face. I've got one too - it's Friday after all! But I'm also smiling because the lovely Abby from Abby M Interiors is here for Fess Up Friday!

Abby is one of the first people I started to follow on Instagram and I've been stalking following her ever since. Girlfriend can put together a glam dining room or a lakeside cabin like no other and I want each and every space she touches. But enough gushing, Abby the floor is yours...

Hi all!  I'm Abby M. and I'm so excited to be visiting Elizabeth's blog.  She's like my style sister--when I see the rooms she designs, I can't believe how much I love them.  I mean did you see the stripes she painted on her floor this week?!  Genius.

It's confession time.  Let's talk about this little piece below that's supposed to serve as a laundry basket.

This is my must-have item for entertaining.  Why?  Because right before someone comes over to our house, you can bet I'm running around with a laundry basket throwing random items in there that need to be put away.  I want to answer the door all breezy and casual, but rest assured, I've practically run a marathon right before you arrived, throwing anything I can in this laundry basket to be dealt with later.  

There you have it!  And if it's ok with Elizabeth, I'll make one more confession--I don't like beige.  Like ever. I want to love all colors but when it comes to beige and brown, it's just not my favorite.  I don't think "beige is a safe color."

Thanks for having me Elizabeth!  I hope I'm not the only one running around with a laundry basket. :-)

You are not the only one Abby. At least you have a basket, I just kind of throw everything into our walk in closet. And I'm sure you can guess how I feel about beige. :) Thanks for sharing!

Do you have to do a cleaning sprint before company? Ever answer the door in a sweat because of last minute prep? Who wants to take bets that Martha Stewart has a 'quick cleanup' basket?


  1. honey, I am always crazy pants 15 minutes b/f guests arrive. but as the car pulls in the drive I pour drinks and put on a happy face.

  2. Haha! I do the same thing. And I will go ahead and say I. Hate. Brown. Say it loud and say it proud.

  3. Oh you are not alone! I also utilize the dryer when need be :)

  4. I have a secretary with big drawers ... things get stashed ... and sometimes I forget I hid them!! I have to admit, I like brown. Not beige, but Brown! happy weekend! xo

  5. I have a tall basket in our family room that has a medley of random things because its the easiest place to hide everything....from tennis racquets, to blankets to toys....so very similar indeed!

  6. The basket is pretty smart. I usually throw whatever I can carry with my two hands in the nearest available drawer or closet. Not a beige person myself either

  7. Give me 20 minutes head start....and my house will look ready to party...down to vases filled with greens and candles lit! Just don't open that closet...or drawer...or cabinet...or laundry room...

  8. I totally have a clean up basket. Or throw it all in my closet. It is such a bad habit.

    Have a great weekend!

    xx Alecia www.likesof.us

  9. Everyone in my house goes all commando and whips everything into shape just in time for the doorbell to ring. And I sooooooo don't like beige either!

  10. LOL Abby I have done the same thing. I would freak out if someone opened my walk-in closet, it is my hideaway for random pieces. I am not a beige gal either. I do love natural linen but I don't do beige and definitely not brown. Give me Spring time colors any day of the week and I am a happy gal.

  11. I do that same thing with the laundry basket!!! I love Abby's style, she is so fabulous. I hope we can still be friends even though I have a deep affection for beige!!

  12. Love the idea of using a laundry basket to collect all the crap before guests arrive! I'm usually dropping even more things as I try to dump a huge pile into our pantry. Abby has gorgeous taste! I just spent much too long perusing her blog.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Sounds very practical Abby, maybe I should come up with my own Guest basket too!

  14. AAAAAHHHH! Saw your dresser feature on HGTV Magazine! Congratulations!!!!!!

  15. I Stowe it all in the clothes dryer just before lighting the candles. No guest ever opens that door.

  16. I don't have a basket I have a second floor. I just did this yesterday. Run about like a crazed lunatic carrying items that are out of place or unsightly and toss into the laundry room or bedroom and shut the door.

  17. I am like a mad woman dashing about hiding things in closets and behind shelves. Haha. The story of having kids toys all over the place!

  18. One of our guest bedrooms has become that place where all the stuff goes, unfolded laundry, and just stuff. I will be working on that next. Organization. But with 2 young ones, I think it should be fine to have a little clutter somewhere!:-)


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