October 9, 2013

one room challenge - family room week 2

It is only week 2 of the One Room Challenge (read week 1 here) and it is already time to get down and dirty - aka carpet removal.

Now in the interest of full disclosure, we removed the carpet several weeks ago, as soon as the leak was stopped and fixed, for obvious reasons. The carpet was already gross from years of kids, dogs, snacks etc. but the water made it officially unacceptable.

Since I am not a fan of carpet, and we still have many years of hard playing left to do in this room, I thought a painted floor would be a fun alternative. Call me crazy but I just wasn't feeling the maroon floor.

Removing carpet itself is a dirty, and at times violent job, but with the right tools and a willing partner it goes pretty quickly. It's the stuff that is under the carpet that is the real work. The tack strips, the glue, the holes left by all of the nails. Hell on earth. I followed Mandi's tutorial and it worked like a charm. I highly recommend it if you find yourself in need of a painted concrete floor, or even just carpet removal 101.

A few things I learned from the process - the lacquer thinner worked like a charm and the glue came up with little effort (I think the trash bags are the key). It was super smelly however and since we are in a basement, and ventilation is a bit harder to achieve, there were a lot of breaks throughout the process. However, the tack strip/nail removal and hole filling part was long and tedious. To put it simply, it sucked.

I never want to see another tack strip again. Ever.

It was a lot of work and it was hard work. And to be honest, I was rather crabby by the time it was all finished. Many gin and tonics were required to put me right again. But I stepped away from the room for several days (weeks really) until my strong work ethic the One Room Challenge put me back on track and ready for my favorite part - painting.

There is nothing like the instant gratification of paint to put you in a better mood. And the cocktails help too. It took two coats of primer and two coats of white to get rid of the 'ear infection' yellow on the walls but I was thrilled to do it as the room got brighter with each coat.

Once the walls were done I moved on to un-red that floor.

This time I did two coats of Kilz 2 Latex Primer and then two coats of Sherwin-Williams Porch and Floor Enamel.

Here are the floors after the first coat. Already better I think.

And here we are all painted. Wahoo! I can't get over how much brighter and bigger the space feels. Totally worth all of that cussing I did during the carpet removal/floor prep stage.

So I've done all of that work, only to arrive at the point where I'm ready to start the real work. It has to get worse before it gets better, right?! God, I hope so. And don't worry about the stairs, I won't leave them that way. But you will have to wait until next week to see what I do (I love a good tease).

The only thing that feels better than fresh paint is crossing something off the to-do list, so let's do it:
- Rip up gross carpet (floor and stairs) and replace flooring
- Paint and plank walls and bookshelves
- Recover estate sale chairs
- Create some sort of art station for the girls
- Paint chairs and table
- Repair and paint coffee table
- Create toy storage that doesn't involve the words 'pink' or 'plastic'
- Get some art on those walls
- Find rugs
- New Lighting

Be sure to check out how the others faired this week.

And don't forget that you too can participate in the weekly One Room Challenge Link Party every Thursday at Calling It Home.

And how about you? Have you ever removed carpet? Ever have the urge to stick a tack strip where the sun don't shine? I really hate those things.


  1. Yowza! That was work definitely deserving of a few G&Ts. Definitely an improvement and a great canvas for the rest of the room!

  2. Oh those carpet tacks ... just ripped ours out of the mudroom ... I know your pain! Gotta love the clean white slate you have now!! xo

  3. What a before and after E!!! It looks unbelievable already in all it's fresh white glory! I feel your pain too, I have ripped out more carpet than I care to recall, and those tack strips…..oy…..you did so much hard work!!!!! But just think, you packed a year's worth of working out into that one project! AND it's done and now you can move on to some of the fun stuff! Cocktails at your house when this is all wrapped up!

  4. Holy crap this looks good. What a HUGE transformation lady!

  5. My basement has floor envy. At least there is no carpet to remove. That's a lot of wow factor in week two! I am really amazed.

  6. Already looks better! Bigger and brighter, definitely!

  7. I need a drink just thinking about all that work. What a difference!

  8. Elizabeth!! Oh my gosh, I so won't complain about stenciling ~ what a huge job, worth every bit of your hard work, it looks amazing!!

  9. The room looks so different, already! Interested to see what you are planning for the stairs.

  10. That's fantastic! You are a Pro! The room looks a thousand times better already!!!

  11. I feel your pain on the carpet tack strips. The room looks so bright and big now. Can't hardly wait to see week 3!

  12. I tip my gin and tonic to you, ma'am! Well done.

  13. wao! This was a HUGE accomplishment! Good job! They real fun begins now I think. It looks beautiful. I love the brightness and freshness of the white.

  14. Wow, you a brave woman. That is some serious work, sister. But I'm sure the G&T's helped a bit. Ear infection yellow killed me. Can't wait to see next week's installment . . . you're such a good tease!

  15. Wow, you really had to work a lot on those floors! It's looking brighter already!

  16. Wow, that was a ton of work and it looks terrific. So much brighter.

  17. Such a big difference already! This is going to be such a fun project to watch.

  18. Fantastic job! I love the description "ear infection" color on the walls. You are hilarious! Can't wait to see it when it's all finished up.

  19. So, so, sooooo much better white! Wow, I'm wanting a cocktail just from reading about all that work!

  20. The white paint made such a HUGE difference!

  21. So fresh and clean. Wow. You always impress me with your DIYs... what a project!

  22. So much work, but you did a great job, my friend. You room feels so much bigger and fresher now.

    Can't wait to see more updates next week!

  23. Whoa, I can't believe what all you've already done! That room is going to look gorgeous.

  24. Huge changes! I got a pit in my stomach just thinking about how painful it must have been to do a of the pre-painting work. You definitely deserve a few cocktails (and then some) for getting through it!

  25. This is going to be so worth it - actually it already is! I've pulled up more carpet than I care to admit and it is awful! Great progress so far.

  26. The change already is so amazing! If you do a runner on those stairs I am going to be SUPER jealous :)

  27. Hello! My name is Katy and I'm the social media coordinator for KILZ brand products. We are glad that our KILZ 2 primer worked great on your family room floors. We would LOVE for you to share your experience by writing a review.

    Here is the link to the KILZ 2 product page: http://www.kilz.com/primer/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=ef4c693378683210VgnVCM1000006b0910acRCRD

    We appreciate the feedback! Thanks!

  28. This is already a great before and after. I'm excited for your family!!!

  29. Already looks like a new room. What a nice clean starting point. Cannot wait to see more.

  30. wow!!!! check out that progress! love!

  31. To quote Outkast: so fresh and so clean, clean. Nice and bright.

  32. Wow! That is going to be great. What a change.

  33. OMG. I already cannot believe the transformation. I can't wait to see the end result!

  34. WOW! What a HUGE difference painting it all white and you seriously did not manual labor this past week. You need to relax and a take a break!! looks awesome.

  35. Those darn carpet nails and tack strips are the evil that lurks under carpet! I understand the need for the gin and tonics!! I can't believe all you accomplished! I picked an easy room!

  36. The room looks huge now! Nicely done. I've removed three rooms of carpet now (with one hallway and set of stairs to go), so I know how much it sucks. I think I got blisters from pulling out staples. Can't wait to see what you do with the stairs!

  37. I love how honest and raw your photos are. It is looking better already, can't wait to see it all come together!

  38. Good grief. The "One Room Challenge Work Your Ass Off"....was not what I signed up for. I need a drink just reading about all that work:) But dang you are right that room is already awesome now. White is right.

  39. It does look HUGE now! You're too cute with all the cussin' & drinkin' - I'm right there with ya!
    alison g.

  40. This post makes me feel tired and like a major slacker. The change is night and day though....the white was such a good decision!

  41. Already love it Elizabeth. Sorry you had to suffer through on this but you will be loving this space for years to come!!!

  42. Well if that doesn't show the power of paint, I don't know what would. You did an amazing job. Obviously the cocktails helped get you through it. It looks huge and the stairs look great painted. Cheers to you.

  43. I love, love, love it! love how white that room looked when it was floor to ceiling white. it was like a mac commercial or something. (and I cracked up when you said pulling up the carpet was sometimes violent...I can relate!). It was all worth it. looks damn good as it is. you could set that spectacular apple green sofa in the middle of that white room and BAM....be done. ha. but I know you have more up your sleeve. can't wait. I'll be sharing my update tomorrow as a 2nd low life participant (er, I mean, linking participant). cheers.

  44. Wowa! That looks like a whole new space! I can't believe the transformation of the paint! Goes to show! Cheers to you! I really do have a glass of wine present:)


  45. The power of some gallons of paint evident right here, and lots of manual labor on your part of course:-). I really, really love it!! Nice, crisp, and clean!

  46. Wow, there's nothing like the power of paint!! Amazing job and I think I need a g&t just reading about your hard work. Whew. xxx

  47. Wow, this is a serious job. SO much work!
    Paint is just awesome! Love it.

  48. Such improvement already, my goodness!! You have been a busy bee! Your room is going to look AMAZING!!

    The Glam Pad

  49. So happy to be introduced to your blog...love it! - Michelle 29 + Nona

  50. holy crap...what a difference!! I'm on pins and needles to see how you turn this mother out!!

  51. Lookin good lady! The white paint does WONDERS for the space, love it and I cant wait to see more!

  52. Nothing like a coat of white, I always say. Have you ever been so happy for a flood?
    Glad you've got the cocktails on hand. You need it, Lady.

    Stairs...could this be the mystery stripe area?

  53. Holy cow! You did a ton of work. It's going to be amazing. Puts my stairwell carpet removal into perspective for sure ;)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. YES! With just the white paint the room looks so much bigger. Can't wait to see how this turns out. Pinning the tip on getting pad glue up. Thanks for sharing that link.

  56. I'm an instant gratification kinda girl too and nothing does it better than paint! LOOVE the painted floors. I'm painting our kitchen and laundry floor soon so I'm totally obsessed with them right now. Can't wait to see what u do with those stairs. Gonna go check that out now since I didn't have I wait a week for you to reveal it. Ha! Told ya...instant gratification ;)


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