October 23, 2013

one room challenge - family room week 4

Before I jump in on Week 4 progress, I want to thank everyone for your sweet comments on the HGTV Magazine feature. It wasn't totally real until I could share it with y'all and I'm still on cloud nine. Actually I'm kind of hoping that euphoria will carry me through the next few weeks because I feel like this project is growing. The list should be getting smaller at this point right? My design ADD is killing me. (catch up on previous weeks here.)

Now that the painting is done and I'm ready to get going on the meat and potatoes of the room I wanted to take this week to share some details on what will be sitting on those newly painted floors.

If you are new to LBD then I should let you know; I like a good bargain. And I love things that have a story to tell. (my furniture likes to talk almost as much as me) So when I can marry those two things and satisfy my 'thrill of the hunt' fix, then I am a happy girl.

For those that follow me on Instagram, these might look familiar but let's take a tour, shall we?

The couch. I found this beauty at Goodwill and loved it right away. Then the 'do I or don't I' debate started and I decided I would walk away and check back tomorrow. If it was still there it was meant to be. I thought about it all night and couldn't wait for the store to open the next morning. I rushed in and paid the $30. That's right. $30. I picked it up the next day in a surprise (and severe) snow storm with it hanging out of the back of my car for the 2 miles home. Zero visibility on the roads but 100% happy with my find.

The chairs. My friend and I go to an annual high school garage sale every spring and we usually come away with something great. The lines are long, we have to go super early and it is pure madness when we get in. We love it. This past spring we went and came up with a big fat nothing until we headed toward the exits. I saw these chairs and said to her that I had no more room for armchairs in my house (I have 4 extras in my basement), but don't they have great lines? And then she said the best thing a friend could say - "They are $8. Get them!" (thanks Becca). And so I did. They won't look like this the next time you see them, but they are again in excellent condition and I love their shape. And that's $8 for the PAIR by the way.

The lamps. Both were from Goodwill. Separate trips but equally ugly. :) Big plans for these. They were $8 for both.

The table. I knew I wanted something for the girls to draw and create on, but I didn't want to spend a lot since...they wold be drawing and creating on it. I saw this one at, wait for it, Goodwill, and emailed my lovely Linda to see what she thought. She assured me I could find some way to paint over that veneer and I pulled the trigger. $20. The dust was free.

The chairs. The green one was my dad's 'homework chair' growing up and the other chair has sat in my parents basement for 30 years. I come by my furniture hoarding honestly. Best part - FREE.

The coffee table. Snatched it up while at a retirement home sale with a client (they had great stuff). My monkeys girls' broke the glass top during an illegal dance party so it needs to be fixed and spruced up. She is the perfect length though and I love her height. $15.

So now the plan is take this motley crew and make them look cohesive and fresh. Less junky, more funky. Some of them have already been made over, some are still in process and some I still need to start (ugh!). Will I make it?!

Rip up gross carpet (floor and stairs) and replace flooring
Paint and plank walls and bookshelves
- Recover estate sale chairs - at the upholsterers 
- Create some sort of art station for the girls
Paint chairs and table
- Repair and paint coffee table
- Create toy storage that doesn't involve the words 'pink' or 'plastic'
- Get some art on those walls
Find rugs
- New Lighting

Be sure to check out how everyone else is progressing:

Do you like the thrill of the hunt? Find any cool pieces lately? Be sure to come back on Monday for the greatest lighting story ever told! (no lie)


  1. OM gosh ! I'm coming to your town !! I've never seen such amazing bargains - in wonderful shape and the price is unbelieveable !! We never, ever have sales that good around here....You go Girl !!

  2. You and I were separated at birth. Absolutely without a doubt. I LOVE all your selections. That sofa. Be still my heart.

  3. Can I fly you in to bargain shop here with me? I swear Richmond has zero bargains. Even goodwill prices aren't any cheaper than target.

  4. Damn girl! I am so impressed by your loot!

  5. If I added all that up, you would have spent, like, just over $100? That's insane! You know I love that velvet sofa and am so glad that is a centerpiece in your family room. The color--with the pillows I'm sure you have in mind--will be nothing but fun.

  6. I used to love the Goodwill stores here and would find all kinds of great deals. In the last year though, Goodwill has changed. Now, the prices are so high and they sell just junk. (All the good stuff they sell privately.) Glad you're able to find great pieces in your neck of the woods. That green sofa is incredible!

  7. You hit the motherlode with your finds! Lots to keep you busy right up to the end of this challenge, but I know each of these pieces is going to be amazing!!!

  8. You'll do your best work in the 11th hour :) Can't wait to see all your bargains turn beautiful!

  9. You are my furniture hero! Loving all your thrifty finds.

  10. Okay, your Good Will is freaking fabulous and I want to visit it asap. You are SO much like me, I would totally hmm and haaa over $30 even though I loved something...why is that? I'm happy you nabbed the sofa though, it's perfection!

  11. Dayum girl! $30 sofa? $8 chairs? I hate you just a little.

    Amazing scores.

  12. Oh wow, girl, you are fabulous at seeing the potential in the unlovely-for-now! I can't wait to see all of these pieces all prettied up, I know they will be fabulous!

  13. Ha! That illegal dance party made me giggle...it resembles life at my house. ;) Love all your finds! From what I've seen, it will rock! Can't wait to see them get funky!

  14. I love that sofa! You've got a collection of great finds. Can't wait for the reveal.
    Congrats too on HGTV!!

  15. I have always wanted a green velvet sofa, you scored, my friend! Love all your thrifty finds, can't wait to see them transformed!


  16. You have serious thrifting skills. I'm impressed!

  17. I have never been inside a Goodwill, but you have motivated me to start going - there is one quite close to me. I absolutely adore the green velvet couch.

  18. I can't even handle the sofa. Its going to be amazing in that space...and for $30?! Mad hunting skills you have!
    Mallory @ Charming in Charlotte

  19. Whoa, you've got some work ahead of you, but these are some great finds! Very excited to see it all! Congrats on the HGTV article-amaze!



  20. Love all your finds! Especially that coffee table! I'm looking forward to see it all come together. Cheers!

  21. You are a real savvy and smart shopper Elizabeth! In love with that green sofa too and I can't wait to see what you do with your chairs!

  22. You find the best junk for your funk! I love it all.

  23. Well...its a good thing we don't live closer and shop together...there just might have been a girl fight in the Goodwill/Swap Meet over some of those finds! Those chairs for $8...seriously?!? Love the coffee table too (glass or no glass). Its gonna look amazing all put together...cant wait!

  24. Ummmm your thrift stores are better than mine. Amazing finds!

  25. Less junky more funky, I love this goal!! You make me smile :) :) :)
    These are all such awesome scores, especially those two chairs, there was NO WAY you could leave them behind! Can't wait to see how this all comes together, you are so ambitious and creative, I know you'll make it amazing!!

  26. You have some amazing pieces!! that sofa is so good...adoring the color. I want to learn how to get stuff for $8 bucks..really...all these good deals. ANd I love that you have your dad's HW chair!!
    so cute

  27. I love when a "motley crew' becomes a beautiful space!!! You are definitely on to something here and I can't wait to see it all come together!

  28. Wow.....Wow...what else can I add?????????????????

  29. I need to shop with you.
    Those chairs are going to be FAB!!

  30. You don't need my advice on things, but I am glad you got that table. You other scores are killing me. That table for 15! This all looks like a lot of work. I hope the weather stays on your side. Great job.

  31. I love the hunt, too! You've found some incredible things. Do you have to go a lot to get the good stuff, or are you just really lucky?

  32. We need to go thrifting together!! Love your pieces. Love that you're using your Dad's hw chair! Such sentimental value being added to the space!

  33. Great pieces! Why doesn't my Goodwill have stuff like that??!

  34. Those are such fantastic pieces! That couch reminds me of this awesome, ancient velvet couch at my parents house - their first "real" furniture purchase when they got married. It's the comfiest thing ever! Can't wait to see how that gorgeous green works in your space. I really need a basement so that I can collect furniture - I spotted a great little desk for $8 at a yard sale recently but we just don't have room for it. It about killed me to leave it there.

  35. YAY...love your deals and the way you are whipping through your list!

  36. Those are crazy steals!! Yes, I'm addicted to the hunt, too. :) Can't wait to see the diys you'll be knocking out!

  37. Elizabeth, the deals have been coming your way. And I know you can rock a diy like no other, so I'm excited to see them all prettified!

  38. found you through the One Room Challenge - I love that you are a bargain hunter and re-purposer! I am a new follower!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  39. You are quite the bargain hunter Elizabeth! Great finds as usual! :)

  40. I'm really looking forward to where you go from here. I need help in this department!

  41. Are you for real? I mean I love a good bargain but you make me feel like I have overpaid for everything:) This room is so worth waiting for so hurry the hell up.

  42. I can't wait to see it all come together. So many great finds!

  43. some great finds!! Can't wait to see what you do with them! Love that couch!

  44. Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment! And, congrats on your HGTV publication!! And, l love how you're all about finding a good deal. I plan on following you and seeing how your room turns out!

  45. Love the couch!! That couch would rock in an all black room! Great Finds! Erin

  46. Whoop whoop! Seriously I'm loving the pieces your picking up for your project! I cannot wait to see your reveal!

  47. I would love to go shopping with you! Great finds. $38 for 3 pieces of furniture! Gah!

  48. You are a girl after my own heart... I absolutely LOVE finding a good bargain! Nothing better!! You have some amazing pieces here, and I cannot wait to see it all come together!

    The Glam Pad

  49. Love your finds. That green velvet sofa is to die for! Can't wait to see this room come together.

  50. I am just gaga over your couch! I can't believe you got that for $30!!! What a find!

  51. So what your telling me is you spent $38 on new seating got your space. Please don't take this the wrong way...I hate you so much right now! But I love that furniture and I'm going to LOOOVE this room. You go girl!

  52. I'm in awe of all of your amazing finds. No matter how many times I go by our Goodwill, there is either nothing there or what is there is overpriced. That couch would have cost several hundred at our Goodwill for sure! Can't wait to see how you put it all together!

  53. That sofa is the stuff I live for! Bravo!

  54. You have found some seriously good deals lately! That green couch for $30? I'm smitten!

  55. That couch was $30!! That's incredible and I LOVE IT! Great find.
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.


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