November 20, 2013

the dog ate my homework and pop-up shopping

I've missed you!

I'm not going to bore you with any excuses as to why I've been MIA just know that I miss y'all terribly when I'm not on my normal schedule. I feel like a big part of my day is missing. And now, I want to sing this song to tell you how sorry I am... just kidding. We would no longer be friends if I sung to you.

Things will return to normal as quickly as possible, so just hang with me. And because I can't leave you empty handed (that would make this the most boring post on record) I want to make sure you know about this little treat Santa has dropped in our laps.

My very favorite Australian, Anna Spiro, opened up her Christmas Pop-Up Shop this morning and things are gong fast. Head over there if you are like me and would love nothing more than to spend an afternoon shopping at Black & Spiro but you don't have the extra couple grand for a ticket down to the southern hemisphere.

Have a great day and happy shopping!


  1. I can't blame you one but about blogging....I've dropped the ball this week and am feeling all my creativity zapped all of sudden.

    Off to check out the Black + Spiro shop! I was excited to see Anna's announcement on instagram!

  2. I get it...I feel like I'm running on empty!! Thanks for the Spiro and her fab and colorful taste.

  3. No worries, everyone is busy this time of year!

  4. Love Black & Spiro -- I dream of going in person some day!

  5. Glad you are back and thanks for the shopping tip.

  6. Thanks for the shopping if I need more tips on shopping!! Enjoy the time off and don't feel bad about us...we are all running around a bit crazy this time of year!

  7. Going to check it out. I don't think anyone has a normal schedule this time of year. No worries.

  8. Don't worry Elizabeth, I feel we all are getting so busy and it'll only get worse with the holidays! I love Anna Spiro- thanks for the heads up. Take some time for yourself! xo Nancy

  9. What a darling pop-up shop, thanks for the tip!

    The Glam Pad

  10. I just love her blog and the pop up shop is amazing!! Tis the season...such a busy, but fun time!!


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