January 17, 2014

fess up friday - calling it home

Today's Fess Up Friday features my dear friend Linda from Calling it Home, One Room Challenge creator and all around awesome blogger. Linda and I often chat about non-blog related things, like what we are drinking on any particular night, what to watch on Netflix and our need for warmer weather. I knew we had a lot in common, but after reading this I think we might just be separated at birth. Take it away Linda.

Hello LBD readers and stalkers!

Today is true confessions Fess Up Friday. I am confident that after you read this, you will know how truly nuts I am. We are talking cray cray ...no holding back.

There is no easy way to say this, I sing in the car!

Yup, out loud and everything. 

When one of my favorite songs come on...I just can't help it.

I start doing a little dance, too.

Not this kind of dancing

This kind... think MTV video vixen.

And when my daughter is in a good mood...that's always hit or miss, 

She joins me.

And when other drivers notice my personal concert...

I own it!

Thanks for the GIF's, Taylor

A friend of mine from High School would always say, "I love when people sing, it means they are happy". That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Now it's your turn, what do you do in the car? Come on, fess up!


  1. Hahaha!! You work it girl!! Be loud and be proud of the shapes you throw ;) xxx

  2. oh that is SO me in the car, too! get it, girl!

  3. It's probably one of my favorite hobbies. I live for a nice ride alone so I can become my inner vixen :) Linda you crack me up.

  4. You're adorable! I'd love to have a spy cam on you. I sing in the car and wiggle. Have a great weekend. xo Nancy

  5. Fun - you picked the best clips to go w/it! I'm not that great a singer but if I'm lucky and Hit Me w/Your Best shot from Pat Benatar comes on I'll rock out too. BTW, it's a total rip-off she's not in the Rockn'Roll Hall of Fame.

  6. "Mommy" was asked not to EVER SING in the car years ago so I no longer do but I do talk to myself sometimes. Maybe its more like lecturing myself, haha.

  7. Hilarious! And I love the clips!!

    The Glam Pad

  8. Love this post. I also do this in the car....to [brace yourself]: Miley's Wrecking Ball. Eww... I know.

  9. Love it!! That was a good one! I may sing a little...but no dancing....I'm not as much fun as you!

  10. Just found your blog through Linda. Adorable! Now I'm going to go through all your old posts. Linda - I admit to singing in the car too. My girls go crazy!!

  11. I love this post! Such funny clips! I sing everywhere: during shower, writing blogs, cooking, you get the drill...dancing, well, not so much!

    Thanks for sharing, Linda!


  12. HA! I do the same thing. I'm sure everyone in my neighborhood has seen me...and they all think I'm a freak! :)

  13. this is awesome. singing in the car is The Best!

  14. Yes! 100% I do that. I drive a minivan we call it the party wagon. A dance party could break out at any moment. And yes we own it. We have made people miss there light from watching us.

  15. I'm confused. Doesn't everyone do this? How can you possibly contain yourself when your "jam" comes on and why would you want to?;)

  16. Love it! I totally sing and have been known to periodically burst into song even not in the car.

  17. You are so funny! What a great way to end the week.

  18. it's just me... your newest stalker... loving every minute of this confessional. There's no shame in car dancing - none. I think it's a shame when people don't, what boring lives they must lead!

  19. Yep, I'm a singer as well ... and I don't have a very good voice. That does NOT matter!! Glad you are singing!!

  20. Thanks for having me, E! I am so glad I am not the only one letting it all out in the car.

  21. I DO THIS TOO!!!! But I may be 'crazier' than you are Linda since I sing Broadway musical songs!!!!! Sometimes my family gets to hear it too even when I'm just a passenger! I think only my little one loves it because he sometimes sings along and my husband just has to BEAR with it or else!!! LOL!

  22. This is hilarious! I can't imagine anything I might enjoy more than pulling up next to Linda singing at the top of her lungs at a red light!

  23. W8.... What????? Shocking....HAHAHAHA! I call it Stop Light Sirius ~ I so rock out to Sirius Groove & love me some Seriusly Sinatra! Those videos are hilarious! Way fun post.

  24. It's full on boogie down productions in my car. Everyday. Knew I loved ya for a reason, Linda.

  25. Absolutely! I get some really weird looks, sometimes smiles and often a wave. :)


  26. Haha great feature, Elizabeth. Linda, you're not alone...I do the same thing! Can't help it!

  27. Gurrrl, you got to be kidding me. I thought everyone did this. My ringtone is DMSR and I even dance when my phone rings.

  28. I agree with your friend from High School. We are hummers at my house and I am a whistler. It IS a sign of happiness, especially when don't even realize you are doing it, but it looks as if you KNOW when you are singing and dancing in the car. LOL, Love it!!

  29. Yes, you cant help it when you hear a song that gets you moving.

  30. Thank goodness!
    A kindred spirit.
    Not only do I dance in the car, while singing, I have even started dancing in STORES when a great song is on.

    Isn't it great to own it??

    I loved your video clips.

    Great confession!

    White Spray Paint blog.

  31. I have been known to belt out a tune or two in the car at full blast when I'm alone. I also eat a lot in the car.

  32. Ha-ha, I do all of that too! A great song just inspires you to rock out, and why not? Life deserves those short sweet enjoyments!

  33. HAHA. Awesome! Hope you had a great weekend! :)

  34. Omg, we are so related! Gurl, I have all kinds of concerts in my car as well and other drivers are forever amused. In my car my voice sounds like Mariah and Whitney combined. No lie. Sing it loud and proud lady, with no shame!


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