May 18, 2015

project design

Morning sunshine! There are (only) seven days of school left and it is the talk of our household. Those under the age of 8 are thrilled, while those over the age of 8 are having that standard parental "ugh summer break is upon us!!!!" reaction. Luckily we all agree on our level of excitement for the pool opening this coming weekend. A big WAHOO to that!! But I digress.

I spent some time this weekend stealing accepting peonies from my neighbors' yards before they die on the vine (or stem) and brightened a corner of my living room as I shared on Instagram. (follow me here) And it got me thinking about all the different ways there are to update a room for spring, beyond just adding flowers.

Luckily, this 'thinking' is going to pay off for all of us. My friends Cindy (Rough Luxe Lifestyle) and Mary Ann (classic casual home) have asked me to participate in the next round of Project Design and the topic is"Refresh Your Living Room with These Inexpensive Tips". So come Friday I'll be sharing my ideas, along with these wonderful bloggers.

Do you like to do a refresh to your living room each spring? Any update you've always wanted to try but have just never gotten around to? Anything you want me to try? I love being a guinea pig. 


  1. WOW...such pretty peonies!! Mine come from Trader Joe's. Happy summer break!

  2. HeHeHe, glad I'm not the only one with a little trepidation and wonderment at how I'll be able to work from home with 2 rowdy boys at home :) Being outdoors with our kids and especially pool time works wonders though. Enjoy your start to summer!!

  3. Gah! I love peonies! I have a gorgeous bush that blooms late Spring and it's got lots of buds on it but it's not quite there yet. Can't wait until they are filling my home as well! Look forward to your updates ;) Happy nearly summer xxx

  4. Oh I know I sound like a broken record ... but enjoy it my dear ... my kids are out and about doing their own thing and I miss the lazy days at home or the beach with them. Somehow my driving to the beach by myself to lay out or play in the sand seems a little weird ... they allowed me the fun! Looking forward to your refresh for summer!!

  5. I want your neighbor's flowers!! Lucky girl...those are spectacular!!!

  6. Peonies are my favorite of favorites! I'd be doing the same thing ;)

  7. Love using fresh flowers and greenery inside as there is such an abundance available. I think I should start carrying pruners in my car! Ha!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    The Arts by Karena

  8. Your neighbors are really nice to share. I generously take them from my mom's yard because they get destroyed when it rains so it's really the right thing to do....

  9. can't wait to see more updates from your blog... I love all your tips..
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