December 13, 2012

the sea of swirly twirly gum drops

I have sick babies today, but wanted to share the gingerbread house we made a few days ago. The pre-made kit we had didn't give us nearly enough candy, in our opinion, so we added many many gumdrops left over from Eve's birthday celebration.

Gumdrops can make anything look a bit better and the colors were a great tie-in to the Christmas mantel in the living room.

Can you tell we were watching Elf when we made this?


  1. SO cute!!!! i love how cheerful your home is! i also love smiling. smiling's my favorite.

  2. The title of this post, all on its own, made me smile. Then I saw the Runts you used and was grinning ear-to-ear.

  3. That is not enough candy...I can still see gingerbread! Those runts would not be safe with me around!! Hope you wee ones feel better soon...

  4. That is one of the coolest ginger bread houses ever!!! Love that candy! Love the colors, great idea to fill in with the gun drops!

  5. It's adorable! The more candy the better! I love your post title, now I want to watch elf.

  6. Ha!! I love it!! I watched Elf at the weekend - where's the spaghetti?? xxx PS Yer an awesome mom.

  7. It is so sweet. 3 out of the 4 people who live here, like Elf. As usual, I'm out. Tomorrow is the first day back to school for one of mine. I feel for you. Hope all is well soon.

  8. Love this ! Just wonderful . I've got my Pom Pom supplies for the other project. Now looks like I'm gonna need some gingerbread and gum balls too!

  9. So cute and colorful! I hope everyone feels better very soon!


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