December 19, 2012

upholstered walls

Several weeks ago I went to an estate sale in an amazing house. Each one of the SIX bedrooms had upholstered walls in a different toile. Coordinating but not matching custom made silk curtains in each room (because what is toile without some silk) and custom bedding as well. A little too much toile for most, but as Martyn Lawerence would say it was 'delicious'. I went back to that sale twice, mostly to just look at the house. It was my first encounter with upholstered walls and I'm telling you, they are no joke.

And I'm not talking one flew over the cuckoo's nest padded walls. I mean upholstered goodness. Like this.

Peter Dunham via Veranda
Martyn Lawrence
Alison Womack Jowers via Inspiring Interiors
Musso Design Group via Design Indulgence
Vogue Living via Brabourne Farm
Encore Decor Atlanta via Pinterest
Sarah Richardson
Celerie Kemble
That Celerie Kemble dining room is upholstered in my very favorite Betwixt fabric. Bananas.

What do you think? A fan or not so much? Ever tried it? Jenny has a great tutorial (of course) about it if you are looking for a winter break DIY.


  1. Love upholstered walls in a nursery for warmth and comfort!!

  2. Yes to upholstered walls when done well and in the right place. I've worked on hospitality projects where we used them {or at least considered them}.

    I have to say though, I prefer the flat look of wallpaper when that is available. Or a fabric wallcovering for a flatter look.

  3. I think they work in the right setting. I'm way too fickle to pick out anything that permanent! Although if I had a big huge closet room it would be upholstered in silk. For sure!

  4. I've never seen upholstered walls in person, but I would love too. My fear would be cleaning you vacuum them? lol. I've also never been to an estate sale, gotta get to one soon!

  5. Delicious! The hardest part is choosing the fabric.

  6. I love upholstered walls! Not only are they beautiful, when the fabric is carefully chosen and hung. Great added feature, the sound control!

  7. HUGE fan! I went to a purse auction at a VERY ritzy home this spring and the entryway had cream & black upholstered walls...they seemed to have a little puffiness to them so I would assume some batting was used, it made it look all the more "delicious"!

  8. Such a hot look- I wish I had some of those padded leopard walls in my apartment. Come to think of it, it might be really amazing for some sound control.

  9. huge fan - i would love to do 1 accent wall - i can ONLY imagine the $$$$

  10. I love the look. I think a powder room is just smashing. I am guessing you need to sew the seams together?

  11. Add me to team loooooove it! Did you see JAM & Ross's upholstered dining room ceiling on MDD this week? Pretty fab.

  12. I've never tried it, but absolutely love the look. I'm crazy about the Alison Womack Jowers image - beautiful and timeless...

  13. some excellent ideas here, especially love the walls with the gimp and nailheads!

  14. If i may, i just did this trick-i used heavy upholstery material on the walls of my own office. Ladies-it is very very easy to do, cheap cheap cheap trick and most amazing part-u can go nuts with ideas and mix and match as u please.

    U can check out my fb page with pics of the walls:)

  15. Love ALL of these!!! Great post Elizabeth!

  16. Oh my god... Ya know I'm not a fan of buffalo check - as I've said before I wore way too much of it in the 90's - but my god I love that room! I'm shocked. Seriously.

    I love the Celerie Kimble one as well but then I am a big fan of her stuff. The nailhead trim one is pretty spectacular as well.

    Great post! Love when my mind gets changed ;) I think the only thing I would be worried about is how damp homes are in the UK and putting fabric on the walls just feels like they would get all full of dust and mold. Oh god, I think I've ruined it for myself. lol

    Happy run up to Christmas baby and hope everyone is feeling better now!

    Smooches xxx

  17. We upholstered a door in our home, and I love it. I have not yet put it up on the blog, because lack of quality light in the house.

    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. You can read more here:

  18. I love your examples Elizabeth! These rooms are gorgeous. I love, love love the buffalo check room. Happy Holidays.


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