January 7, 2013

2013 goals

Ok, I know. I'm a little late to the party. And you are probably rolling your eyes to have to look at yet another New Year's list, but I've got to create some accountability here people. If I don't put this list out into the great big interwebs, it will become part of the long list of things that never get done. I need to be able to look you in the eye after all.

After my success with my 2012 goal list I find it best to keep this suckers short manageable. So I'll keep this short and sweet.

1. Entry refresh. It is really too small to be considered a foyer and "entry" is even pushing it, but whatever it is it needs a kick in the pants. The hubs and my dad hung the wallpaper the first summer we were in the house and it is pretty beat up. I also need more storage...somehow. A head scratcher.

2. Sew something. Anything. I've got the sewing machine, it's the whole using the sewing machine thing that is getting in my way. Just to figure out how to spool the thread is a challenge for me. Don't judge. I'm just not a patient person. So the goal is to sew myself a pillow at the very least. 12 months to sew a pillow. I'm pushing myself for greatness, aren't I?
3. The girls' room. It's almost time for Eve to move into her big girl bed, so it is the perfect time to start from scratch. Hopefully I can make these bossy clients happy.

4. Bathroom redo. All cosmetics. Not the lipstick kind, but the paint kind. I'm over the color(s) in there and something needs to change. Pinterest and I have been consulting on this already. Now if I could just narrow it down to one idea...

5. Open my little black door a little more. Did you know I have a growing design business? Of course you don't, how could you? I don't talk about it much. That will change, in a good way. More to come.

So there is my top 5 for the year. Officially out there. And I already feel behind. No turning back now, you've read it after all. Have you planned for any big changes this year? Any new adventures?


  1. Sounds like a reasonable list! Loving that bathroom image.

  2. Every time you show those girls, I smile. You always catch them with the most realistic happy grins. I actually did know you had a design business, but have never seen anything about it. I would love to see you stuff. You know you can have the hubs hack an Ikea cabinet in for extra storage. Doors to hide the stuff.

  3. I'm on board...with all of it!!! Did I know we had the same light in our entry?? And, a design business?? You're too tight lipped...start spilling it sister!!

  4. Is that your entry?! It looks great!

  5. If you get the sewing machine "tool" down you will be a success! I have never been able to use one!
    I give you lots of credit for even making goals!!!! Yours are doable and I bet they will all come to be.

  6. I really wish I knew how to sew! I want to learn!! Love the photo of the entry way. So gorgeous.

    (Formerly Simply Lowcountry)

  7. Inspiring as usual. Happy NY e !!!!

  8. All good things, Elizabeth! Happy New Year and happy goal reaching!


  9. Hey, better late than never, right? I love putting it out there too. Makes for a little good pressure to actually get it done. I especially love your "demanding clients" comment about your girls. Mine are now 13 + 14 and have it all figured out. Happy New Year to you! Would love for you to visit me sometime. Let me know what you think. :)

  10. Sounds like a great set of projects to tackle. About the sewing thing (which I practice often), have you tried signing up for a sewing basics class at, say, Joann Fabrics? Classes are a great place to start because sewing makes for a fun hobby and an inexpensive solution to paying someone else for their sewing skills!

  11. Totally do-able! Good luck. Your girls are precious!

  12. these are all great and achievable goals! you can do it! sewing is really not that hard. i am not good at it, but i can make pillows and so can you!

  13. These are great goals! I'm a little worried about you pleasing those clients though! Ha, adorbs! Can't wait to hear more bout your biz! I had no idea! Though I'm not at all surprised bc you're so talented!

  14. I'm excited to see what 2013 bring to your little black door. Can't wait to hear more about the business. My goals for 2013 include getting into a new house which I'm sure will need lots of design help. Maybe I can be your first customer in KC!

  15. If I can make pillows via my sewing machine and actually sew them up and sell them, trust me, you can do it. Threading a bobbin is a bitch but once you figure that out, you can conquer the world. Put that on 2014's list. I think your entryway looks fab already (much better than mine with it's scraped up white paint and unfinished floor and absolutely NO room for storage of any kind) but looking forward to see what amazingness you come up with! ;) xxx

  16. Such realistic goals and I'm with you on the bathroom redo and the business growth and making your house fit you all. Wishing you and your family the best in the new year and best of luck checking off your list... Thanks for your support Elizabeth!
    xo Nancy

  17. Sewing is pretty easy if you can find some YouTube tutorials or a friend to show you how. Bobbins are annoying but necessary. Good luck with all your goals for the year!

  18. I can't get that bathroom from Lonny out of my head! Love that, especially those monogrammed towels...also, I shared your sewing intrigue/fear a couple years ago. Thought it seemed so daunting to even know how to make the thing work, much less create something! I took a couple classes--and I'm no seamstress--but I'm happy to report that I can sew a pillow now! Very empowering. You can totally do it too :)

  19. Oh, a growing design business? That's awesome. Do tell!! I have to say, though, that I'm not at all surprised. I mean, even though you want to change your entry, if I walked in and saw that, I'd be like, "You're hired!"

  20. Christina @ Floridays MomJanuary 9, 2013 at 5:52 PM

    Sounds like stuff you can easily tackle in a year. I'm with you on the small entry and would love to give my a little love. It seriously lacks character.

  21. This is so exciting Elizabeth and you are really inspiring me! I may have to become a sharer too. (I get the irony here--We are bloggers claiming we don't share? But really, there's sharing and then there's SHARING!). Looking forward to the year ahead with you!



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