January 9, 2013

spin the color wheel

If you could paint my dining room bench any color, what would it be?

Would you go neutral?


Or maybe pink?

Orange possibly?

Of course, there are also a million other wonderful colors out there as well. As you all know, I'm no chicken when it comes to color. So I want to know - what would get your vote?


  1. Beautiful emerald green.....with those blue walls - relish!

  2. Hmm...that's a thinker...I loves me some pink but I'd have to say orange (first choice) or green

  3. Emerald Green with your blue walls... Yes!!!

  4. Not because it's the color of the year, but I think green would look great!

  5. I am a neutral girl and love that image...but in your room, I agree with the others and say the Emerald Green would look lovely! Looking at your photo...I love the shade of green in the plate hanging on the wall...the bench in that color would look fab!

  6. I would have to say a light pink, I think it would look so pretty!

  7. So, you know me, I'd probably paint it neutral or maybe high gloss black. But I think YOU should paint it in the green color of that plate on the wall opposite it. Or possibly the yellow plate color. Since you love color, and that's part of what I love so much about your home, I think that's perfect! Also, I love your dining room exactly as it is by the way. I'm really working hard at adding more color to our new house plans but I'm still SUCH a chicken!

  8. Orange is a complimentary color to your blue, but black would be very chic as well. I'd turn the table as well-unless you need the space to get in/out the door back there :)

  9. Hi there just found your blog and I couldn't resist weighing in! I love the plates on the wall esp the green one. Maybe you could play off that and do a lacquered green. Or deep navy since you have so much light. It's a beautiful room!

  10. I'd pick up the green or yellow from one of the plates on the wall and use a similar color to add a trim (fabric or ribbon) to the curtains to give them some life (your 2013 sewing project!)

  11. I love all the bright color options but I'm recently into the gray look. It makes every other color in the room pop!
    my morning coffee

  12. I'm gonna say yellow to match your plate, think it'd looks beautiful against the blue walls. The green would be another fab choice though ;) Happy Painting! xxx

  13. I think emerald green is my first choice but a yellow could also be fun.

  14. black for me.I just think it matches all the other furniture in your room. I know it can be boring, but with the right pillows, you can change the look instantly. :-)

  15. Yellow, like the plate on the wall. You also have yellow in your letters above your piano....I think?

  16. Pink was the first thought. Then green. Green won. It would pull the color from the plate on the opposite wall and balance the room out. Happy New Year.:)

  17. yellow or golden orange and do same for at least one chair....and than, incorporate it in the rug. Also, those curtains could use a bit of color:):)

  18. The bright green from that plate that's in the center of your plate wall. Fun game! :)

  19. Black, make that baby disappear and focus on the awesome details of the sapce, like the plates and pillows on the bench :)

  20. I would love to see coral! Happy New Year, my friend!



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