April 17, 2012

happy Domino day!

It's here! It's here!

I've got my Starbucks and my Domino. I anticipate being deep in Domino bliss for much of the afternoon.

Can't wait to talk about favorite pages, pictures etc. Did you rush out to get it first thing this AM? Or am I the only Domino dork?


  1. I haven't gotten one yet but I heard it's a total let down.

  2. I haven't gotten all the way thru, but so far I think you are right - total let down. :(

  3. That's a disappointment! I don't have it yet -- should I skip it altogether? Thank you for the sweet comment about our dog! She's so much fun!

    1. I'd still get it but it was more like a 'best of'. Not many new pictures.

  4. We don’t get Domino here but I log on frantically and devour the new issues of the online glossies! Nothing beats a new magazine and a steaming cup of coffee (add a slice of cake and I am in heaven)!

  5. I've never heard of that one! I was gonna say I'll add it to my list of magazines I want but now I see your comment where you said it's kind of a let down- that's a bummer :(
    Just so that you don't feel like it's a waste, maybe just make it like a challenge to find the one gem in there that will give you a brilliant idea- I've found every magazine has one even if it's simple. Not too long ago I was reading one and was almost done with it and thinking it'd been a totally "blah" issue, than I saw a pic of a giant piece of artwork leaning against a fireplace and one week later I'd made something to lean against mine. So even the disappointing mags have SOMETHING. Anyways maybe that'll help you enjoy it a little more- especially if it's gonna keep coming for the next 12 months. :)

    1. Totally agree Brooke. There are pages in there that I love for sure, just not much new. It was a lot of the stuff that was in their old issues. I still love them though.

  6. I got mine yesterday!! I'm only a few pages in...can't wait to see how it ends!

  7. I am rushing out now! I didn't think it was going to be out till next month! Don't spoil anything... I haven't had the time to open a magazine in 6th months, but I will block out a whole day for this one!

  8. I've never heard of this magazine can you fill me in on what all the hype is about? I am always looking for fantastic new things to follow, read or do.


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