April 16, 2012

take it outside

Happy Monday! I hope that everyone survived the weekend and there is no storm damage outside your window today. 

Now that the pollen has finally stopped falling from our big old Oak trees in the backyard, we can get started on one of the projects I have on my 2012 list - the deck.

While there is a lot of unsexy things that need to be done to the deck - new stairs, railings and replacing several boards - there is also a decision to make.

Is our outdoor space going to be a place for dining?

Buddha Interiors via Pinterest
via Pinterest
Southern Living via Pinterest

Or, will it be for lounging?

Southern Living via Mix and Chic via Pinterest
via Pinterest
House Beautiful via Pinterest

Do you have an outdoor space? Do you use it for hanging out? For eating? Eating while you hang out?


  1. Oh yes I want all of them! Especially because it is going to warm up this week here in Nor Cal! Such pretty photos!

  2. What about both?! I do have a dining table but I wish I have a lounging area too! Happy Monday!


  3. We use it for both...sadly we eat at the same place we hang out, eventually we'll redo our patio and be able to have a lounge spot AND a dining spot....it's pretty low on the list for now.

  4. I love love love eating outside and we do it any chance we can get!! being from the west coast i miss the outdoor living so I savor the moment when we can dine al fresco!

  5. Love an outdoor dining area - nothing better than a hamburger right off the grill eaten outside!


  6. SO, some friends of ours have the most beautiful backyard. I don't have any photos but they have a little built-in banquette with a square table that is coffee table height. But the table can be raised to regular height for dining. And the bench seats store the cushions for rainy weather. I don't exactly know how it was designed to raise and lower but it's really cool... how handy are you?

  7. Oh yes...here in Northern California the backyard is like another living space! I spent several hours cleaning, pruning, and primping in the yard last weekend. Getting ready for summer and hosting a graduation party for my oldest in June...lots to do!!

  8. Maybe there are a ton of unsexy decisions to be made, but eating outdoors is very sexy! You should do it!!


  9. I have a patio that has a table with chairs and a settee with 2 chairs (aka, outdoor living room). Honestly, we sit one the settee and chairs all the time. We don't use the table with chairs that much.

  10. heaven! they all look so beautiful. I love outdoor spaces.


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