August 7, 2012

beach and a good book

The countdown in our house has begun and the beach is just a few weeks away. I've decided this year instead of packing up a bunch of magazines for the trip, I'd rather get one great new design book. Apparently Emily Henderson has been listening to my inner most thoughts as she's thinking the same thing.

Any recommendations of good books you've read recently? (And Luke, if you are reading this, this doesn't eliminate the 'core' magazines I need each month in order to live.)


  1. Thanks for this list from EH! I'm going to reference this for sure when I'm in the book store next time. I have some of those but many I don't. Gotta get Undecorate next! I would have to add to those The New Traditional by Darryl Carter. Fantastic!


  2. I also appreciated Emily's post on design books! I just read and enjoyed Good Bones, Great Pieces by Suzanne and Lauren McGrath, as well as The Perfectly Imperfect House by Deborah Needleman. Have a great time at the beach!

  3. I just read "I break for Yard sales" by Laura Spencer, as recommended by Charmaine over at "My Bestfriend Craig" - its short, funny, and has tons of pics and great tips. :-) Enjoy!

  4. I've been wanting to get a copy of Black and White by Celerie Kemble. I second both of Anne's suggestions and you know i like I break for yard sales too.

  5. This is not a design book but a great, funny read.. "Bossy Pants" by Tina Fey was awesome if you haven't read it yet. Enjoy your time at the beach!

  6. I loved Phoebe Howard's new book "The Joy of Decorating." I am such a fan of hers anyway, and I devoured each and every page. Have a great vacation!!


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