August 9, 2012

and your time

I've been cussing more than usual and my hands look like a Pollock painting. This can mean only one thing - work on the living room has begun. (You can check out what it used to look like here.)

I've already painted the ceiling, walls and trim and we are now at the blank pallet stage.

I rather like the look of the dangling cords draped into the middle of the room, don't you? It is super fun with kids.

But I'm not only painting walls. Remember these beauties?

They've been so hot in this heat wave that they stripped down to nothing. But they've gotten quite a tan (aka - black paint). Their new outfits are underway.

And today I'll be doing a little somethin' somethin' with this little can.

It reads a bit more orange in this pic but is really a fabulous raspberry. Not a color choice for everyone, but luckily I'm not everyone...I'm me. Very after school special I know. I think Neve Campbell will play me in the movie.

This process will be long as I try to get work done during naps and weekends, but I am of the opinion that the more upheaval this causes the rest of my house, the quicker I will be to get it done and get back to normal.

Does anyone else put things on their list that are small or they've already done just to have something to cross off? Well I do...
Living Room to do list:

1. Paint walls, ceiling and trim (not in that order)
2. Paint and recover chairs
3. Figure out room layout
4. Get artwork
5. Sew pillows and curtains
6. Clean rug or Get new rug?
7. Find/Make coffee table
8. Address window seat
9. Lighting
10. Paint 'other' items as needed
11. Couch finishing touches

So sad. Only 1 1/2 things crossed off. I mentioned this would be long right?

But wahoo, the FedEx man just called to say he'd be stopping by my house in a bit with a few supplies. We've grown very close, Herb and I. Now I'll be able to replace my Pollock hands with...I don't know any famous upholsterers. I think I need some more tea.

So how about you? Working on anything? Big, little, exciting or otherwise? Do you make a schedule for yourself with projects like this, or just go for it? Know anyone willing to work for free and come to my house and do all of this for me?

More pics to come!


  1. There's been a fair bit of cussing going on around here as I attempt to correct the rookie mistake we made on our kitchen ceiling. We didn't prime, or paint the tongue and groove ceiling you tried to lick before we installed it. So now, I'm hanging from the chandelier attempting to get paint into every nook and cranny. S%$*@h&!!!!!
    On another note, those chairs are killer. xo

  2. I totally do that list thing. Comment on this blog - check!

  3. Hahaha! your so funny! Are you on caffeine-overdrive, or is it just the list that's making you be like this?! :-)

    Anyhow, the room looks really promising and the chairs too - so excited for you. As for me, I don't do any lists because I usually sway away from them as soon as I enter the hardware store, e.g. seeing gorgeous paint on sale when I'm supposed to be putting up towel bars???. Right now, hoping, hoping to eventually paint my boys bath then do my master ceiling next - unless of course, I find that the towel bars are on sale!!!!!

    have a fun day! :-)

  4. We just found a water leak in our master bath and it damaged part of our living room ceiling! Aaghh! So annoyed. Good thing it's minor. Leak is fixed but still waiting for the contractor to repair our ceiling!
    I'm loving the cane chairs too. Can't wait to see the progress!

  5. oooh this is going to be dramatic, I can tell. You work so hard on your place... it's a good thing you are young. I would be EX-HAUST-ED!!! I have several projects to do but my body says " ah, tomorrow ~" So I am just buying junk jewelry lately to re-purpose when the snow or rain flies. I love your blog - girlfriend - I love your blog!

  6. love the looks of those chairs in black lacquer! Can't wait to see how you incorporate the raspberry! Great job!

  7. I'm always working on something here at the dollhouse. If only my checkbook could keep up - and if only I could focus on one room at a time. Love the chairs in black - very Kelly Wearstler-esque!

  8. I can't wait to see what you have in store! Loving the black chairs, but what? not even a sneak peak of that fabric?? You're so coy!!

  9. Oh, I miss the after school specials. I am thinking about building a coffee table, so I want to see how you tackle it. Will you put the room back together before you go to the beach? I hate coming home to chaos. Love the chairs and paint color.

  10. i can't wait to see what you do with those chairs! i have one like it in my room and for now it will stay as is.... but i am definitely hemming and hawing.

  11. You are too funny! :) I love the way those chairs are turning out! I usually get work done when I can't stand to look at it any longer. I can be a bit of a procrastinator when I know how long it will take! :) Maybe we can both wish for some magic wands. Bravo to you! It's coming along great! :)

  12. love where you're going with those chairs, and can't wait to see the rest of the makeover!

  13. Excited to see how things progress, especially the chairs!

  14. I love those chairs! Can't wait to see what you will be doing with the red paint! I know your room will turn out beautifully!

    P/S: Thanks for your lovely comments on my master bedroom.

    Have a great weekend, Elizabeth!


  15. My language has taken a turn for the worse lately but not because I have been productive like you, it's due to my continued inability to access my email.

    The chairs look great with the new coat of paint and if you keep posting about them, I might just work on mine. Well, as soon as the humidity clears up.... :)

  16. those chairs are going to be amazing..... can't wait to see the finished result!

  17. Shoot. I've got list from the 80's!!! Don't feel bad. Can't imagine what you are going to do with the red paint???????

  18. Love the red paint. Can't wait to see what you do with it!!! And those chairs - gorg! I bought some like those for my sister, we have yet to recover them!

  19. Totally behind on your blog, sincerest apologies, I blame heat stroke.*

    *That would be funnier if you also lived in Manchester but trust me, it's funny. Also, you should totally live here cuz then we could paint stuff and create beautiful rooms out of no money and laugh at all the ugly overpriced homewares they sell around here.

    I have a list of projects on my fridge that my friends like to take the mick out of, "You only crossed off ONE THING since I've been here last!? What have you been doing?!" (Normally met with a very mature, "Nanananananaaaa I'm not listeninnnng")

    Those chairs are gonna be the bombdibomb...



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