April 26, 2013

if it's pretty it's on instagram

As we prep for another weekend (thank the heavens) I wanted to make sure you are all aware of some series eye candy going down on Instagram. I know you are told this all the time but if you are not on Instagram yet, you need to be.

And when you get on there and set up your account start the party with these three. They have been making me all kinds of giddy as of late.

Parker Kennedy Living
They took the most insane pictures at High Point. Wicked good people.

Grant K Gibson
He has a way of taking beautiful shots of ordinary things and he goes such wonderful places. Living vicariously. And side note -he totes loves my green couch (he 'hearted' the picture on my Instagram). We are so gonna be besties.

All images via Grant K Gibson Instagram

Rethink Design Studio
An amazing design firm in Savannah that does a lot of historical work. One day when I get my old river house, I'm calling them.

So am I right or what? And make sure to follow me (@littleblackdoor) too. We'll totally hang out. It'll be a ball.

And don't forget to head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributor and blog buddy Tiffany Leigh is featured today and she's got great things up her sleeve. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Any good plans this weekend? Share them with me...on Instagram.


  1. Wow, that's some serious eye candy! If only to have those serious photog skills....

  2. OH, Instagram! That's my favorite social media right now ;) xo Kristin

  3. I, too, fell in love with Rethink Design Studio recently! Love their fun take on decorating!

  4. That is a lot of good, goody, goodness!! I'm going to have to start following...

  5. Lots of goodness here! Love Rethink! So happy instagram is alive, everyone's just snapping away in their day..gotta get an iPhone. Yes, I'm behind the times. Have a great weekend Eliza.

  6. Yes...that pagoda headboard kills me every time I see it! Happy weekend!

  7. So happy that I joined instagram!! Finally! I'll have to start following some of these recommendations! xo

  8. Thanks so much for the heads up- I'm going to go follow all of them! Love seeing your pics on Instagram too!

  9. OK, clearly I need to get on Instagram! So hard to keep up with all these social media sites, but this ones looks like it's worth it! Have a good weekend!



  10. Love finding great new people to follow on Instargram (I might be slightly addicted!) :)

  11. I'm such an instagram junkie. I'm that crazy lady walking around looking at her phone going"Oooo! tap-tap"

  12. I love living my life on Instagram! I look so glamorous!

  13. I am officially following all 3 + you! :) Thanks!!


  14. I am totally digging all the #hpm goodness on instagram.

  15. I have an Instagram but have done little surfing or posting on my account. Truthfully I'm a little worried that this will take away the last bit of free time I have these days. I'm pinning that bedroom by the way. Happy weekend, Elizabeth!!

  16. yes, sometimes I spend waaayyyy to much time on IG. But I can't help myself! Loving these images ;-) Must follow immediately. Have a great weekend!

  17. I am loving Instagram. I am new to it and kind of feel like that spazzy, nerdy kid when I start posting pictures and get a little too excited about a salad and post 5 pictures of it.

  18. Oooh new people to follow on Instagram! Yay! Thanks for the heads up baby! xxx

  19. What a fun post, I need some more people to stalk on instagram instead of doing things I should be doing. Checking them out right now - thank you for the recommendations!

  20. They are all very pretty! I'm still refusing to spend any more time on the internets than I already do though, so no twitter or instagram for me. :) I hope you are having a great weekend.

  21. I was getting into the swing of Instagram and got distracted (ADD). I'm going to go back and follow these people -- this stuff is incredible. Thanks, Elizabeth!

  22. LOVE that last dining room. The photos are the wall are amazing and I'm not a photo person. Have a great week!

  23. Hey, Elizabeth! I just stumbled upon this post. Thank you for the love! Give us a call when you land the old river house : ). We would be honored to help. Tell Luke hello from me. He and I go back many, many years. Enjoy seeing you on Instagram. Keep designing and inspiring!
    Cheers, Joel


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