April 29, 2013

au natural

Who's excited to start another week? Anyone? Yeah, me neither. It was another busy one around here and I could use a day or two to recover. A girl can dream.

Last week I started another refinishing project (I'll share details when its a bit further along) and it got me thinking about furniture in its natural state. No paint, just a bit of stain and a whole lot of beauty. Crazy, I know.

Now don't get me wrong, I love painted furniture as much as the next gal (as I've proven here, here and here) but I think every room can benefit from at least one piece of good old wood.


How about you? Do you have any 'wood' around the house? Do you like yours stained dark, light or with a side of ketchup?


  1. i agree- i like a little wood, too- and i am more of a dark stained girl in general, but it really depends on the room and piece. i also really like the bare stripped look.

  2. I struggle with this balance, too. I do have some rustic wood pieces. At the moment, I am thinking of lightening them up a bit with a liming wax, but I can't commit to it.

  3. I have to appreciate the natural beauty of wood, even if painted furniture is wonderful! Nothing compares to a dark stained furniture piece :)

  4. It's always good to have natural wood mixed in with the other finishes. Depending on the piece I like wood in any shade...is that weird? I'm an equal opportunity wood finish kind of gal, I guess!

  5. I like to have one "beauty" piece of wood furniture in a room. Gives it a warm feel. xo Kristin

  6. I'm with you, too much painted can go bad fast!! I'm starting to embrace stained wood again...maybe it's my age.

  7. I love painted furniture but only on less expensive pieces and agree that natural wood is best especially on more traditional and higher-end pieces.

  8. Like all things....A little is perfect! Too much of a good thing doesn't work. A little of this and that is what makes a house a home.

  9. I love all the pictures you chose because they have some pop of color but the wood adds the perfect natural touch!

  10. I pinned that first fireplace also! I am gathering styling inspiration for my non-functional fireplace.

    I am loving dark wood right now....I bought some antique mahogany side tables and everyone wanted to know what color I was gonna paint them and I was horrified. The wood is gorgeous!

  11. I like a good combination of painted and wood pieces. Too much wood can really bog down a room. But my heart does sing when it sees beautiful pieces in stunning varieties of wood. Love the pics you shared!

  12. I try to have at least one piece in every room! And I like all depths of color from very light to very dark. I think trumps trends.

  13. There is nothing as beautiful as a nice antique piece with a french polish finish. If it's from levitz, on the other hand, it's probably better with paint!

  14. I love it if they are nicer pieces!

  15. I love dark stained woods. In terms of projects, I would rather refinish and stain something than paint it. I don't like painting furniture. Go figure.

  16. We have mostly painted furniture but would love to own a really nice antique piece.

  17. I agree ... it makes a room look warm ... I don't like dark wood trim in a room. Well, unless it is a fabulously gorgeous masculine library or bar!! But one good wood piece makes it for me. LOVE that first fireplace and the art on the hearth. Simply gorgeous!! xo

  18. Love wood elements. Natural and warm.

  19. I still have lots Elizabeth, and I love them in all sorts of stains and finishes. :-)

  20. I am such a fan of deep stained wood.. love it's elegance and classic look! I spy a picture of Hanna Seabrook's mantel in your post, so glad you checked out her blog!

  21. agreed for sure. i have a hard time painting natural wood actually. which i apparently prefer dark, now that i think about what's in my house....

  22. I love it all...except what we have in our house now! haha We are about to sand/re-stain it dark so I guess I will have to say I am a dark lover at heart!

  23. The built in china cabinet in that kitchen pic is insane!!


  24. I like either really dark stained wood or super light depending on where it is being used. I like painted furniture as well but there's a point where I think it's too much paint and a bit of wood is needed.

  25. I've been thinking of something very similar for my new home. I really have been wanting some unpainted wood. Especially in the kitchen.

    What it does for me is brings this calmness, this earthiness to the room. It's like when your out in nature, it's been proven when you are away from the hussle, and just observe the trees, the greenery, the blue sky, your heart rate lowers, your breath rate lowers. Its incredibly soothing. I think as decorators/designers, it's sometimes important to have a neutral and earthy room in your house, where you can ground yourself, and save your most creative work for your clients.

  26. I love wood around my house, and believe in the integrity of a good piece. I prefer painting inexpensive things . That cabinet in the last kitchen is insanely gorgeous and what a focal point.
    xo Nancy

  27. I completely agree! I love some wood tones in a room to warm up a space and give it some life and character. I have been struggling with our LR though because it is a collection of inherited pieces and salvage finds with too many wood tones competing. Mainly, our upright piano which gets used a lot but is old and dark, was bothering me--so I painted it the other day (!). It was emotionally/mentally hard to do it but it really does brighten up the space. But usually I love wood tones!

  28. Totally agree, think natural/stained wood really grounds a space, even when mixed with painted (which I also love). When I finally got my big antique chest of drawers for my bedroom, I knew knew knew it'd be the perfect piece to compliment everything else and I had no desire to even touch it - it's natural patina was a perfect foil to everything else in the room. Love your examples - that last one, Jenny Komenda kills it. xxx

  29. The wallpaper in that second picture is really beautiful. As far as wood goes I like dark wood:)


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