May 31, 2013

calgon, take me away

Have you ever had one of those weeks? Those weeks where you feel like you are behind on everything and no matter what you try to get done, more things just pile on top? What do they say in Alice in Wonderland?

"The hurrier I go the behinder I get."

Yep, that's me this week sister. No worries though. I'll have met the bulk of my deadlines by the time Monday roles around and then I'll start myself fresh. I've never been so excited for a Monday.

So I'll stop by bellyaching and leave you with this beauty.

A bouquet for you.

Because flowers always make me happy, even the virtual ones!

But on the bright side, make sure to stop by Simply Baby this week, I'm talking nurseries.


  1. I hear ya...sista! I hope Monday comes fast for you. Do you ever get so crazy you just walk around your house and say "what to do first?".

  2. That has become every week for me! Each weekend has become "the weekend" that I am going to finally get ahead of the game. hahaha!

  3. I hate that feeling...the overwhelmed, anxiousness. You'll pull it together! Good luck and have a great weekend!!

  4. I'm queen of this feeling like I'm always playing catch-up but never really getting there! Ugh!! Good luck with everything and I hope you are productive and efficient this weekend.

  5. Hope you catch a breather and take a bath or glass of wine for yourself. I know how you feel. Love the flowers, they do make me happy!
    xo Nancy

  6. Where DOES the week go? I'm in the same boat lately, so I can take some consolation that I'm not the only one (hopefully you can, too). Now, kick up your feet and don't forget to relax this weekend!

  7. I think we had the same week. I'd love to chillax this weekend but I have the same situation for next week. I thought this was summer break?

  8. I'm in the same boat. Good luck and here's to a productive weekend!

  9. I have been feeling the same way and thinking I would catch up over the weekend as well. Good luck!!!

  10. Just re-visited your girls' room on the Nursery Party ... You rock. Enjoy the weekend and your babies!! xo

  11. I know exactly how you feel! Hang in there, and thank you for sharing the lovely flowers!! :)

    The Glam Pad

  12. You are preachin' to the choir Lady! UGH! times 100. I don't know what I did all week besides be sick as dawg, entertain my mom, clean up after 4 kids and you know... a whole lotta nothin'.
    Monday morning there will be no one in the house but me for a few hours. I call it "X-mas for mommy".

  13. Oh I am feeling you! I totally having the same... hopefully this week will be a little less crazy and a little more organized!

  14. Hope the week is going well!

  15. I heard that sister. Hang in there!

  16. Thanks for giving us beautiful flower boutique! love the flower and color.. great job..


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