June 5, 2013

check this out

I told you that weekend was going to be a killer! Sorry for my MIA-ness on Monday but mamma was beat.

The good news is the weekend was a success. I had three great new client meetings and finished up a rather large article for St. Louis At Home Magazine that the hubs called 'the term paper'.

The bad news is now I've got another list of looming deadlines. You know when you've been working on something for a long time and you feel like you're in good shape, but then that thing that seemed like it was weeks away is suddenly around the corner and you feel totally unprepared? That would be me.

We are hosting my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party at my house next weekend (which is going to be awesome) and I suddenly feel very behind.

So please bear with me over the next few days as I might be a bit patchy with my posts. I promise tons of good DIYs and pretty pictures post party though, so it will be worth it. Cross my heart.

In the meantime, I've got two great deals you should check out.

My friend Mary Ann at classic. casual. home. is having a one of a kind giveaway and shopping opportunity for a great cause. Please go check it out - you will be able to help the widowed women of Uganda and find great jewelry all at the same time.

Also, my girls at Indie Mats are having a week full of great deals. Today its a buy one get one free that you don't want to miss. Check it out.

Now I'm off to do some more weeding and a little power washing. If only I could power wash the weeds, I'd kill two birds with one stone. Hmmm.

Have a great day!


  1. It's great to hear that you have so many good things keeping you busy! Good luck with the party and please don't feel pressure to post - we'll all still be here after next weekend :)

    And congrats to your parents on their 50th! We celebrated my in-laws 50th last summer and those parties are a good time!

  2. You ARE busy...but getting things done!

    Thank you sooo much for featuring ROWAN...you are zoo kind.

  3. Cannot wait to see the pics from the big event!
    Oh and thanks for the links!

    2013 Designers Series featuring Scot Meacham Wood!
    Art by Karena

  4. Congratulations to your Parents!
    I trust the party will be a huge success in your hands!
    But.... remember to ENJOY

  5. Hang in there- procrastination and/or a time crunch always provides the perfect dose of adrenaline!

  6. Eeek you are busy! Good luck with all of it! :)

  7. Better to be busy than to be bored, I suppose! Either way, it means you're in high demand! :)

  8. Good luck with everything, and happy 50th to your parents! How exciting!!

    The Glam Pad

  9. Congrats and good luck with your deadlines! I know you got this, girl! I will check out the shop you mentioned too!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  10. Not seeing the light yet? Hang in there. If anyone can get it done, it's you!


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