May 3, 2013

healing and a blog party

Sorry for the radio silence my friends. It appears that I've developed a case of carpal tunnel and it has totally ruined my quality blogging time. I'll be back at it next week but was told to take the next few days off. (I'm going to pretend that doesn't include being on my iPhone). 

In the meantime, head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributors Cindi and Emily from Scrappy Love are hosting today and I can't wait to see what they put together. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Have a great weekend!


  1. oh no! a friend of mine has carpal tunnel... i have mild arthritis which i can feel sometimes if i have been painting/sanding too long- i get "the claw!" getting old blows.

  2. Hope your wrists are ok :( Oh no, a blogging injury? Take care of yourself and have a great weekend!
    xo Nancy

  3. That sucks! so, no diy'ing this weekend?? Boo! Feel better and make your hubby do all the work this weekend!!

  4. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I'm sure it's your husband's fault. Don't do anything like cooking or laundry. Could you manage to shake a martini? Luv ya

  5. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care!

  6. Can't you dictate to your husband and get him to do the typing? ;) Feel better!!

  7. I have never heard of a bloging injury. I like Amelia's idea, get the hubs crackin' over here.
    Feel better!

  8. Smart phones don't count because you can hold it in one hand and use a finger on the same hand to type. I hope you are feeling better!

  9. So sorry to hear about that! My mother has the same issues, or use to. I know from that it can be very painful to deal with. :(

  10. Oh bless ya!! That bites. Don't strain yourself my love and make sure that hubby brings you lots of cups of tea and takes lots of dictation. ;) Take care of yourself my dear, hope you make a very speedy recovery xxx


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